We are going through a difficult time as a country and the whole world. Pandemics (epidemics) have changed and shaped societies and cultures throughout history, caused wars or affected their consequences, as well as scientific advances and new regulations in economic and political systems.
Unlike other natural disasters, the course of pandemics It's a little more controllable. During the process, treatment methods are developed and protection methods such as vaccines are discovered.
Worrying about ourselves or our loved ones getting sick and dying are valid emotions for all of us in such days, but we should not forget that it is not only physical treatments that manage and control a pandemic. They are also psychological phenomena. Many evaluations made to date have emphasized that pandemics are shaped by people's behavioral patterns.
If we explain a little more what we mean when we talk about behavioral patterns; Every person's response to stress is different. Some people activate the denial mechanism in stressful situations, this is the thought of "nothing will happen to me". First of all, we are all responsible for the health of other people, such thoughts and approaches will put both ourselves and those around us at risk, so we must comply with the warnings and precautions.
Another reaction seen in people during the stress period is the anxiety, fear and anxiety that should normally occur. It turns into panic. Such people become unable to control their thoughts and behaviors, and may begin to exhibit selfishness, disregard for the needs of others, and impulsive and aggressive behavior. Overstocking is an example of these behaviors. The fear of people shopping frantically in markets can easily pass on to you. During pandemic periods, you only need to stock up for 2 weeks, this will be a behavior that will not put both service providers and those who really need it in a difficult situation. At the same time, in such periods of high uncertainty and anxiety, the possibility of making wrong decisions increases. Therefore, not making important decisions is actually the best option. As the days pass and the isolation period gets longer, humanity's intolerance towards each other may gradually increase. Especially markets, health institutions In environments where employees are at high risk, such as pharmacies, we should try to control ourselves better, knowing that these people are more stressed than us. As a society, we should be more tolerant and understanding, for example, we should try to warn people who behave wrongly in an appropriate language, without escalating the tension.
Excessive anxiety causes insomnia, restlessness, palpitations, shortness of breath, dizziness, nausea, loss of concentration. It may cause symptoms such as difficulty. In such cases, individual psychiatric help may be required.
Individuals who were previously diagnosed with OCD (Obsession-Compulsion Disorder), Hypochondriasis (Sickness) or generalized anxiety disorder are likely to have their psychological states worsen during such periods. It is recommended that these individuals consult their doctor.
Another important point is the "information epidemic", also called "Infodemic". We generally consider this as an exchange of misinformation. We can also see it as a disease of the new age. A lot of dirty information spreads very quickly on social media. More than half of these lead people to greater anxiety and despair. This situation makes it difficult to manage the epidemic. It is a good method to not only disclose the numbers of sick and deceased people, but also to give the numbers of recovered individuals. Reducing the time spent on social media and following reliable sources will be another important step in managing the pandemic psychology.
Another problem that arises during pandemics is alienation and discrimination. For example, in the Ebola Epidemic, since the disease was first seen in African countries, there was serious discrimination against black people. There is a high probability that there will be discrimination against people of Asian race during the Corona Pandemic. There is even a possibility that such negative behavior will be seen against healthcare workers, another risky group. It is important to inform the public correctly in order to prevent such inhumane behavior.
One of the situations that stresses people the most is "uncertainty". �, "unknown" situations have an important place. Although people are afraid of the disease, they may also be in economic uncertainty. Here the important roles of leaders and managers emerge. People expect their leaders to give them hope and a sense of control. In such difficult times, leaders and managers being honest and transparent will increase society's trust in them and reduce the feeling of panic.
As a result, in these difficult times, we see ourselves as a part of a larger whole and become responsible, helpful, self-controlled people. If we act as such, we will provide the greatest support to people struggling with the disease in other fields, such as the health, public order and service sectors.
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