Work-Life Balance

Work-Life Balance

Work life balance is the absence of conflict between one's work life and private life, and being equally busy and satisfied with both areas. Concentrating resources such as time and energy in a single area creates conflict. Conflict basically has three sources: time-related conflict, tension-related conflict and behavior-related conflict.

Time-related conflict arises as a result of the interaction of work or family-related time constraints.

Tension-related conflict. Conflict is the negative emotions experienced by the employee in his work or family life, which creates tension and affects his role in other areas of life.

Behavior-related conflict is the conflict that arises from the different roles required in a person's work and private life. For example, a father who has to be authoritarian in business life may have to behave differently in his relationship with his child. It is important to find the balance between the two roles.

Failure to establish balance means that the individual cannot meet the needs of private life. In terms of work, it causes quitting and absenteeism in organizations, and a decrease in productivity and job satisfaction.

First of all, we must become aware of the demands in our lives and regulate these demands.

Work demands ( workload, working hours, role expectations at work), family demands (role expectations within the family, wife and mother role) and regulation of demands in the personal field (personality, things we want to do).

*Ask for support and support yourself. Allow yourself to receive it.

*Guilt is an emotion that consumes a lot of energy. Engage your logic to counteract your guilt. Don't be hard on yourself for the things you can't do

*It's hard to say "no" without limits. Say no to things you don't want.

*Avoid being a perfectionist.

* To be a good parent, a good partner and a professional, first feel good about yourself.

*Create your list of priorities, work very well, not too much. Delegate the task when necessary.

*Develop rituals that you will enjoy with your family.

*Find someone you trust and who makes you feel comfortable.

* Keep your perspective on life broad. Create harmony in your life between your work, family and friends.

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