Periods of Pregnancy

First-fourth week of pregnancy

Following the end of the menstrual period, your body is ready for ovulation. 11-19 days from the first day of the woman's last menstrual period. Ovulation occurs between days. Sperm cells released into the vagina during sexual intercourse pass through the cervix, reach the uterus and then the tubes, and this sperm combines with the mature egg to form the zygote. As the zygote passes from the tube to the uterus, it divides and forms the morula. When the morula reaches the uterus, it is called blastocyst. 6-10 days after fertilization, the blastocyst attaches to the uterine wall and from this stage the embryonic period begins. This period is the phase in which the development of the brain and nervous system, spine, heart and circulatory system, stomach and intestine begins.


Fifth week of pregnancy

Arm and leg protrusions appear. Heartbeats can be seen on ultrasound. The placenta and umbilical cord develop. The placenta begins to secrete some hormones important for pregnancy. The umbilical cord is necessary for the transfer of oxygen and nutrients to the baby and the removal of waste. During this period, structures that will later form the eyes and ears appear.

6. week of pregnancy

The development of the lungs, nose, jaw and palate begins. Arm and leg development continues. More complex parts of the brain begin to develop during this period. The lens structure appears in the eyes. Nostrils are formed. The development of the intestines continues. The intestines are initially located outside the baby's body, inside the umbilical cord. The pancreas begins to develop during this period.

Seventh week of pregnancy

During this period, all vital organs of the embryo, which is the size of an aspirin tablet, continue to develop. continues. Hair follicles, eyelids and tongue begin to develop. Elbows and fingers and toes become visible; the trunk begins to straighten. Eyes, ears and nose become clear. Tooth development begins under the gum.

Eighth week of pregnancy

Inner and outer ear development continues. Cartilage and bone formation begins. The intestines migrate from the umbilical cord into the baby's abdomen. After this week, the embryonic period ends and the fetal period begins.

Ninth-thirteenth week of pregnancy

Around the ninth week, the baby becomes active, but these are not noticed by the mother. He can move his fingers again in these weeks. Placental function essentially begins and continues in this period. Around the tenth week, fingers and toes separate from each other. Hungry and nail development begins. The genital organs of the fetus begin to differentiate into the appropriate gender, male or female, but the gender of the baby is not yet clearly visible on ultrasound. Amniotic fluid necessary for kidney function begins to accumulate. During this period, the eyelids close and remain closed until the 28th week. Thus, iris development and eye color determination are ensured. Vocal cords (vocal cord) begin to develop. The eyes and ears are displaced to their normal places. Around the twelfth week, the liver and pancreas begin to function. Around the thirteenth week, breathing movements begin. His neck grows slightly longer and his hands become more functional. During these weeks, the size of the fetal head is half of the baby's total size.

Fourteenth-sixteenth weeks of pregnancy

In these weeks, the baby's skin is thin and It is transparent and covered with fine hairs called lanugo. Thyroid glands develop and begin to secrete hormones. In male babies, the prostate gland develops, and in female babies, the ovaries move towards the lower abdomen. You can feel the baby's movements during these weeks, because he can make many movements, including thumb sucking, grasping, frowning, and grimacing. His arms and legs continue to grow. Fingernails and toenails grow. The small bones in the middle ear begin to develop, which are necessary for future hearing. During this period, regular rib cage movements are observed, swallowing and vomiting amniotic fluid. Around the sixteenth week, fat accumulation begins under the skin. Fingerprints also begin to develop during this period.

Seventeenth-twentieth week of pregnancy

Baby's movements become more noticeable during these weeks. . Eyebrows and eyelashes develop. Around the eighteenth week, a substance called vernix, which resembles cheese and protects the baby from amniotic fluid in the womb and covers the entire skin, begins to form. Small air sacs begin to form in the lungs. During this period, the baby's heart sounds can be heard over the mother's abdomen with a tool called a stethoscope. nineteenth h Around 8 weeks, it shows sleep-wake periods, just like a newborn baby. During these weeks, the nerves begin to be covered with a substance called myelin, which provides signal transmission. Hair becomes visible, milk teeth develop, kidneys begin to function. Uterus (womb) development begins in female babies. After the twentieth week, the baby's development continues more rapidly. Muscle development is evident. The transfer of immune cells begins, which passes from the mother to the baby and continues to protect the baby for another 6 months after birth. Nerves that have functions such as smell, taste and touch develop in special parts of the brain. During these weeks, the baby may react slightly to sounds.

Twenty-one-twenty-third week of pregnancy

In these weeks, lanugo covers the entire body surface and the skin Due to the increase in the thickness of the subcutaneous fat, the fetus begins to look like a newborn baby. The development of the eyes is completed. It completes the development of the liver and pancreas. White blood cells (leukocytes) necessary for the body's defense against diseases begin to develop. With the increase in swallowing movements, large bowel movements begin. Vaginal development begins in female babies. Around the twenty-first week, the baby's weight reaches 360 grams. Eyebrow and eyelash development is completed around the twenty-second week. The baby begins to hear sounds better. Brain development accelerates. In male babies, the testicles descend into place, the production of sperm cells and the release of testosterone begin.

Twenty-fourth-twenty-seventh week of pregnancy

During these weeks. Tongue blisters that allow taste perception develop. Sweat glands are formed. Lung development accelerates. Around the twenty-fifth week, blood vessels develop in the lungs. The nerves around the mouth and lips become more sensitive. Catching and grasping reflexes develop more. In the twenty-sixth week, the baby's weight is about 750 grams. The lungs begin to release a substance called surfactant, which enables expansion at birth. Brain development accelerates in the twenty-seventh week. It is more sensitive to sounds because the nerve structures in the ear have completed their development. Breathing exercises in the amniotic fluid prepare the baby for breathing after birth. The eyelids open and the baby becomes able to notice light and darkness.

Yir Eighteen-thirty-twelfth week of pregnancy

In these weeks, fat storage continues, although not as intense as in the last weeks of pregnancy. Due to the increase in muscle and bone mass, the baby gains weight and body proportions change. Even though the lungs are not yet fully mature, they continue to breathe rhythmically. Although bone development is complete, the bones are still soft. Around the twenty-ninth week, the brain begins to control breathing movements and body temperature. The baby can turn from side to side. Becomes more sensitive to light, sound, smell and taste. Around the thirtieth week, eye movements accelerate and become more diverse, and tear production begins. The bone marrow begins the production of red blood cells (erythrocytes). After this week, calcium, iron and phosphorus, which provide hardening of the bones, begin to accumulate in the bones. The weight of the baby is about 1500 grams. During this period, all organs except the lungs have completed their development.

Thirty-three-thirty-sixth week of pregnancy

During these weeks, the fetus is placed head down in preparation for birth. It moves towards the lower part of the abdomen. Rapid development in the brain and nervous system continues. Rapid weight gain continues. Lanugo hairs disappear and the skin becomes tighter and dull; thus, it looks more like a newborn baby. The blink reflex begins. In the thirty-fourth week, the baby's weight is about 2100 grams. After this week, he can control his body temperature better due to the rapid accumulation of fat in his arms and legs. After the thirty-sixth week, the mother's breathing may ease but her walking may become difficult due to the baby's displacement towards the birth canal.

Thirty-seventh-fortieth week of pregnancy

In the thirty-seventh week, the baby's weight is about 2800 grams. After the thirty-eighth week, the baby is ready for birth. Meconium, which is formed due to the baby's bowel movements and is the name given to the first stool at birth, accumulates in the intestines. During this period, as the baby fills the entire womb, there may be a decrease in its movements. Small breast buds appear in both sexes. During this period, all organs except the lungs have completed their development, and lung development is completed at birth.

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