How to Maintain Your Health Without Getting Sick

Intermittent feeding; It is a health method that does not have religious motifs and purifies one's body, soul and mind. Although its history is as old as human history, health fasting has not been known by the majority of people for centuries. Since Hippocrates, human beings have been able to prevent and treat diseases by fasting for a certain period of time.

19. Towards the end of the century, in America, Dr. Tanner and Dr. Health fasting, rediscovered by Deweys, is a method known and frequently practiced in America, Germany and Russia.

Our body is based on countless physiological mechanisms that have been finely tuned throughout millions of years of living history. Therefore, it is very important to consider the information from evolutionary biology when examining the physiological effects of any situation today. Our body has the same characteristics as the bodies of our ancestors who lived 50 thousand or 100 thousand years ago. Therefore, the characteristics of a body finely tuned for the diet and movement habits of that period are still valid today.

Since industrialized food production or even agriculture was not possible at that time, people ate with whatever food they could find during the day, and then sometimes had to starve for long periods. The body's adaptation mechanisms must be adjusted to cope with these periods of hunger; Because the many beneficial effects we see today in intermittent eating regimes such as intermittent fasting make us think about this. Many studies conducted on experimental animals show us that similar effects are observed in their bodies. While fasting prevents inflammation in the body and has an "anti-inflammatory" effect in medical terms, it makes the immune system work stronger; It facilitates the repair of cellular damage.

What are the Benefits of Intermittent Feeding / Intermittent Fasting?

It increases the growth hormone. In this diet, insulin in the blood decreases during the fasting period. During the fasting period, which we call the window, growth hormone is thus triggered and increases. This accelerates muscle building and fat burning.

The body stores sugar in the body as glycogen. These glycogens are burned within 8 to 12 hours. However, frequent feeding Since those who eat supplements will constantly store glycogen in the body, the glycogen reserve never runs out and the body almost forgets to burn fat for energy and tries to burn only glycogen. Intermittent fasting prevents this and allows the body to burn fat for energy. Thus, weight loss occurs and the desired weight is reached with intermittent fasting.

Free foods help you stay away from carbohydrates. Likewise, by consuming healthy foods, you will be more vigorous and fit.

The risk of diseases such as heart and diabetes decreases. As the insulin level will decrease, insulin sensitivity decreases, and cholesterol decreases thanks to the healthy foods in your diet, which helps prevent heart diseases.

Aging is delayed and helps prevent diseases. Because long-term fasting reduces the accumulation of oxidative radicals in cells. Thus, since proteins, lipids and nucleic acids are not exposed to oxidative damage, it is possible to stay away from problems such as aging and disease.

You can plan your meals more easily. You consume certain foods at certain times without worrying about what to eat in the morning, noon and evening.

People who do a health fast experience a holistic purification, including physical, spiritual and mental.

People's taste sensations are affected. their senses become sensitive. In this process, which begins with the elimination of toxins accumulated on the tongue, participants enjoy the taste of everything they drink much better. Especially in people who smoke, their sense of taste returns much more clearly.

Similarly, the sense of vision improves. Resting the eyes during a week-long health fast allows vision to become clearer in the post-fast period. In addition, people's inner perspectives also become sharper. With the sharpening of the inner perspective, people develop new perspectives and visions for the future.

The sense of smell also becomes sensitive during the one-week health fast. This brings with it many intense emotions. Because the sense of smell determines our emotions far beyond our imagination.

Our skin, the largest organ in our body, becomes sensitive, vigorous and rejuvenated during the health fasting process. The skin, which has been completely renewed with the health fast, can now taste the water, air, soil and sun. Not only does it remove skin damage much better, it also makes better use of the products you care for it.

Health fasting is extremely effective not only for health but also for beauty. For this reason, it has become widespread in recent years, especially in the field of anti-aging.

During health fasting, the body is cleansed of accumulated poisons and fat stores, while the immune system is strengthened. People do not feel any hunger and their performance increases.


An advice from your dietician:  Taste the water you drink and every bite of the food you eat. Raise your awareness ;)


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