It is the transformation of the voice into a deeper, fuller voice that is compatible with age, gender, physical appearance, or professional position.
Who needs voice deepening?
Often "mutational falsetto" People with a functional disorder called voice deepening need voice deepening. Mutational falsetto is a condition seen in adult or late-adolescent male patients. Here, the person's physical appearance and larynx structure are completely normal male, but his voice is thin, as if he was in childhood. These people benefit from voice deepening treatment, the treatment applied here is voice therapy. Generally, with a few sessions of voice therapy, a person can achieve a healthy, deep voice that is pleasant to the ear. Although not very common, sometimes permanent deepening of the voice cannot be achieved with voice therapy in these patients, in which case voice deepening surgery can be performed.
Another group of patients who need voice deepening are those who want to have a deeper and fuller voice, mostly These are men in professional groups such as managers, CEOs and politicians. These people can be provided with an authoritative, charismatic voice through voice deepening surgery. There is scientific data that there is an increase in annual earnings with the increase in voice thickness of people in managerial positions.
One of the problems that occur in the voice of patients with cleft vocal cords (sulcus vocalis) is that the voice is too thin. This is perceived as a "feminine" voice in male patients and a "childish" voice in female patients. This thin-feminine voice can cause problems, especially in male patients. It is possible to deepen the voice pitch in sulcus patients with voice deepening surgery.
Voice deepening surgery can also be performed on trans men whose voice is not perceived as a male voice despite testosterone treatment.
How is voice thickening surgery performed?
The main purpose of surgeries performed to add volume to the voice is to reduce the tension in the vocal cords. A deeper voice can be produced with vocal cords that have less tension.
Voice thickening surgery (relaxation laryngoplasty) is performed under local anesthesia, so that the appropriate pitch can be adjusted by listening to the patient's voice during the surgery. in the larynx during surgery By opening a window in the cartilage surrounding the vocal cords, the position of this window is changed and the vocal cords are relaxed.
What you need to know after voice deepening surgery?
After voice deepening surgery, strict voice rest is recommended for a while (usually 5-7 days), and the person is asked to stay away from heavy physical activities. The purpose of voice rest is to speed up healing. After strict voice rest, there is a period during which the voice should be used in a limited manner. However, the improvement in voice after this surgery is much faster than after voice thinning surgery. However, it should not be forgotten that it takes about 6-9 months for the healing to be completed, the "new voice" to be fully established and the person to get used to speaking with the new vocal cords.
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