Occasional color changes, white or brown spots on the nails can be a sign of important diseases such as skin cancer.
Nails are skin appendages that protect the fingertips from damage and make it easier to hold them. . In order to perform all these functions, the nails become hard and horny as they develop from the skin. This hard horny part is called "Nail Plate". This plaque is translucent and partially allows us to see the events underneath. The visible pink color belongs to the nail bed under the plate.
A healthy nail; It has a shiny, smooth surface, is flexible and resistant to external factors. Various diseases in the body, physical factors, medications and diseases that directly affect the nails cause disorders in the nails. These disorders in the nails both create aesthetic defects and disrupt the functions of the nails.
In this sense, Dermatologist Dr. states that color changes in the nails can be a sign of the disease. Nihat Özkan gave important information.
Listing the changes that occur in the nail, Dr. Nihat Özkan, there may be changes in the hands and nails that are exposed to too much water and soap. In zinc deficiency, nail fungus, eczema of psychological origin, which we call neural eczema; For example, static changes may occur in the nails in case of thorns or psoriasis. Apart from this, changes may also occur in ingrown toenails or may occur in traumatic situations. If you eat grass or hit a stone, changes may occur in your nails. He explained that especially cooks may suffer from whitlow disease because they spend time in the kitchen. Nihat Özkan said, “These moles can cause skin cancer.” Özkan: Moles that appear under the nail or masses on the edge of the nail, which we call malignant melanoma, can cause cancer. Özkan also underlined that when faced with these situations, it is necessary to consult a doctor.
Dr. Nihat Özkan states that the whiteness of the nails is caused by iron deficiency, vitamin B12, zinc. He stated that sometimes it is caused by folic acid deficiency.
It is necessary to pay attention to hygiene, fungus formation is inevitable in nails that are not dried. In summer, sun cancer may occur due to pigment changes due to sunlight, said Dr. Özkan touched upon the important points to consider in nail care:
"It is necessary to cut the nails straight, it is necessary to pay attention to the hygiene rules. If the mentioned changes occur, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist. Dermoscopic analysis of the nail must be done. In short, "You should definitely observe the changes in your nails and consult a dermatologist if there are any changes. Apart from this, of course, you need to pay attention to nail cleaning and hygiene."
Emphasizing that the treatment of nail fungi is long-term, Dr. Özkan, some of our colleagues are pulling the nails. However, the disease does not get better by removing the nails, this should also be known, he warned.
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