Obsession and Cleanliness...

"DIEASE", which is considered in the class of obsessive-compulsive disorders, is one of the persistent diseases. Even if it is controlled from time to time, the risk of recurrence is high. Therapies alone may not be sufficient, but applying both medication and therapy together can provide more efficient results. It is very important that the family has support and understands the patient's situation.



It can be seen in two out of every 100 people. An impulsive desire to clean and the troubles caused by the never-ending mess as you clean. Of course, there are varieties of this too. Those who go in for ablution and cannot come out before an hour. He can go into the bathroom, wash himself foamingly and come out hours later. Extremely meticulous ones, such as the detective in Galip Derviş's character not being able to touch door handles and used items. Those who clean every corner of the house and then make an excuse for the missing parts, take the cleaning cloth and go around again...

Those who are obsessed with cleaning and perhaps live with these symptoms for a long time to understand that this is a disease, are actually an extension of "OCD" He has contracted the “Cleaning Disease”.

How Does a Person Catch Cleaning Disease?

Those with an overly anxious temperament, those who are suspicious and cannot get rid of their worries, clean the environment that seems innocent at first. If the desire keeps repeating itself and can no longer be controlled, it needs to be taken seriously. It is not easy to obtain concrete information explaining why he has such a disorder. Personality structures and genetic predispositions may have turned into a disease during a period when the person was struggling and struggling with excessive stress.

Am I a Cleanliness Freak?
