Big Breast on Man


The breast organ in men consists of the mammary gland and the fatty tissue surrounding it, just like in women. However, these formations are extremely atrophic (stump). In men, breast enlargement that creates a significant protrusion on the chest wall is called 'gynecomastia'. This situation can lead to serious psychological and social problems, especially in young people. Introversion, poor posture, wearing loose clothes, and avoiding swimming in the sea are some of these problems.

At the beginning of puberty, it is natural for men to experience breast enlargement, fullness and sensitivity due to hormonal reasons. This situation, which should be temporary, may become permanent for various reasons. This condition in young men is usually not due to a hormonal abnormality. Rarely, tumors, hormone balance disorders or medications used may cause unilateral or bilateral breast enlargement. These rare conditions occur at an older age and later on. For the differential diagnosis of these, a detailed history, imaging techniques (such as ultrasound, MRI) and hormone analyzes can be performed if necessary.

The treatment of gynecomastia is surgery. Gynecomastia is divided into 3 groups according to the size of the breast and the abundance of skin. In the first stage, its size is limited and there is no looseness or sagging of the skin. If, after the examination, it is seen that the mass consists mainly of fatty tissue, gynecomastia can be treated only by applying vacuum (liposuction). If the structure of the breast consists of mammary gland other than fatty tissue, it may be possible to remove this tissue and correct the contour with a small incision made from the nipple.

In the second stage, it is like a large woman's breast, but there is no sagging in the skin. The same treatment methods can be applied.

In the third stage, there is additional looseness and sagging of the skin that requires treatment. If the sagging of the skin is advanced, then some surgical planning is required to remove the excess skin.


Do not take blood thinners for 10 days before the surgery. Performing some laboratory checks before surgery is necessary. In addition, if the patient has any significant illnesses in his/her past or any medications he/she uses regularly, the doctor should be informed.


The surgery is performed under hospital conditions. While general anesthesia may be preferred, local anesthesia with sedation, which allows for slight calming and anesthesia of the area, can also be applied. In practice, if one of the open surgical methods is chosen, a drain must be applied to the area. The purpose of the drain is to remove substances such as serum or blood that may accumulate in the surgical area and to prevent complications related to these. The drain is usually removed within 24-48 hours.

At the end of the surgery, the patient is put on a special corset. This corset is very easy to use and makes the patient comfortable as it reduces pain and edema. The corset should be worn continuously for the first 3 weeks. After 4-5 days, it can be removed and showered. After 3 weeks, it is beneficial to wear a corset during the day, especially when performing heavy activities. This period is approximately 2 weeks.


Post-surgery is usually comfortable. There are no movement restrictions from the first day. In the first days, edema, tenderness, pain and even bruises may occur in the surgery area. These usually begin to decrease gradually after the first 2-3 days. Sensitivity may last for a few weeks.

After the second week, swimming in the pool and the sea is allowed. For 6 weeks, efforts are made to avoid factors that may cause edema, such as excessively hot baths and solariums. Similarly, heavy sports and activities that may cause impact to the chest area should be avoided for 6 weeks.

This surgery, which has very low complications such as infection and bleeding, is one of the plastic surgery surgeries with high patient satisfaction if it is well planned.

The content of the page is for informational purposes only, be sure to consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment. your application.


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