What is the Beck Diet Solution?

Let's start with a very familiar vicious circle. I started the diet, started losing weight within a few weeks and I'm very happy. Then one day I had a really bad fight with my boss. On the way home, I ordered a pizza for myself and started eating whatever was in front of me to relieve my anger. And yes, I found an excuse to give up on my diet.

I felt defeated and inadequate because I couldn't even do that. At that moment I knew for sure that I would never lose weight, so I gave up on my diet completely. At the end of this, I start gaining the weight I lost, one by one. Starting a diet is a big problem that we all face from time to time, and more importantly, being able to continue our diet permanently for a long time. Because we don't know how to fight the thoughts that undermine us.

What is the Beck Diet Solution?

Beck Diet The solution is for people who want to lose weight and aim to maintain it by Dr. It is a program developed by Judith Beck, in which cognitive therapy methods are applied.

The biggest difference from other diet programs is that it motivates the person to change the distorted thoughts he has developed about the diet and to enable him to continue his behavior permanently.

Cognitive therapy methods aim to make our thoughts more flexible, and as a result, our more realistic thoughts result in more functional behaviors.

Beck Diet Solution is for those who want to lose weight and do so. It offers a unique and step-by-step program that people who aim to continue their education can follow to change both their mindset and behavior.

As we can see from here, Beck Diet Solution is not a diet program that makes food planning, but a psychological treatment method. It will cause major and permanent changes in your mindset in order to choose appropriate foods and maintain healthy eating habits. It is a program that aims to help. That is, it teaches you to respond convincingly to the thoughts that sabotage your diet.

Reasons why diets fail

Dr. Made by Judith Beck The most important conclusion he has drawn from his research and his work with thousands of clients who have difficulty losing weight is that there are different thoughts and beliefs about losing weight and dieting between people who have difficulty losing weight and maintaining it and people who have managed to stay thin throughout their lives.

Dr. shares the common thoughts of people who started a diet but could not turn it into a long-term habit. Judith Beck lists:

1. Confusing the desire to eat with hunger

Many people trying to lose weight think that they are hungry even when they are full, and cannot distinguish between real hunger and emotional hunger. If you can make this distinction correctly, you can distinguish between triggering emotions and real hunger and make better decisions about your eating behavior.

First of all, let's briefly remember this distinction.

Hunger is a feeling that creates a feeling of emptiness in the stomach and generally affects the stomach. It is a feeling that comes with rumbling. Craving is an irresistible desire for a certain food. This often occurs with an unpleasant craving in your mouth, throat, and body, like the tension that follows emotional triggers.

People who are naturally thin can easily distinguish the difference between real hunger and emotional hunger. In order to think like a person who does not have a weight problem, we first need to understand and realize this distinction.

To do this, pay attention to how your stomach feels when you are hungry and when you are full, and to perform such an experiment, stay especially hungry and observe what real hunger looks like. .

In order to increase your power to resist hunger and craving for a certain food, learning the difference between hunger and desire to eat is one of the main purposes of the Beck Diet solution method. Thus, you will learn to respond more effectively to the voice in your brain that tells you that you need to eat immediately and tries to persuade you.


2. Soothing yourself by eating

Weak people do not use food as a tool to console themselves or distract themselves when they are sad. This is usually something that crosses their mind.

On the other hand, people who have difficulty losing and maintaining weight use food to cope with stress when they are depressed or bored because they think that food distracts them from negative emotions and calms them down. The problem here is that this pleasure and feeling of well-being is very short-lived.

According to research, as soon as the meal is finished, people start to feel bad and helpless because they broke their diet, their self-confidence decreases and As a result, they feel worse than they did at the beginning.

One of the main purposes of the Beck Diet solution in this sense is to teach people other methods rather than soothing themselves by eating. It helps you find ways to counteract undermining thoughts and find solutions to the problem that caused you to have negative emotions in the first place.

3. Don't comfort yourself by thinking that eating is an automatic behavior

Contrary to what many people think, eating is not an automatic action. If you start to notice the thoughts you have previously formed about food before eating, you will begin to respond healthy to triggers and your diet will continue to progress under your control, not the triggers.

Remember, every time you eat a food you should not eat, you will be in danger of eating in the future. You weaken your tendency to put. Likewise, each time you succumb to your willpower, you strengthen your tendency to succumb the next time. Start by deciding which muscle you want to strengthen.

Encourage yourself positively every time you give up eating a food you love. Instead of saying, "Damn, I wish I could have those donuts," enjoy being proud of yourself by saying, "I did something great by not eating the donuts." Thus, while strengthening the resistance muscle, you also weakened the succumbing muscle.

In order to diet successfully, the first thing to do is to identify the reasons that trigger your sabotaging thoughts and push you to eat unhealthy and change your way of thinking. I am aware of this Once you start doing it, you will see that losing weight and making it permanent is not that difficult.

Beck Diet Solution has been created for people who switch from one diet to another without being able to maintain weight loss and want to achieve this in their lives permanently. It is a program.

It is important to say that it is not a program designed for people with eating disorders. It is essential for people with eating disorders to seek professional help.

For example, if you are well below your ideal weight, if you frequently restrict food, if you frequently overeat and then force yourself to get it off, you have an excessive and obsessive desire to control your weight. If you do sports properly, if dieting, your appearance and weight loss have become more important than anything else in your life, I recommend you get help from experts.

He had the opportunity to hear about this program from Judith Beck and also benefited from her book and added it to her life. As a person, I recommend that you start by taking the Beck Diet Solution book as a reference. Let's not forget that it is not the events themselves, but our perspective on them and our interpretation of them that makes us different. Our relationship with diet is one of them.

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