On Understanding and Educating the Child

What is an entity called a child? First of all, you need to understand this. We cannot educate a child without understanding. However, we do not seek to understand the child, but constantly seek to educate the child. Just as one cannot be a good carpenter without knowing the tree, even if he has the best carpentry shop and knows the best techniques, so a child cannot be educated without understanding it. If we had not been born as a child and had been born as an adult, we could understand the child better if the thing called a child had not existed in the world.

In order to understand the child, we must first change our view of the child.


1) REMINDER; The child is our pure form. It reminds people of their own essence and nature. “O mankind, you were once so pure, clean and innocent.” says. The child is our perfect form. As we grow, we decrease. Then we try to be complete again, to return to the child form.

Our most forgiving form is our child form. When we think of a child, we can see how easily he forgives. Children are again the most present beings. Our most innocent form is our child again. Without children, who can we call innocent? Children give unconditional love. The child loves his parents without comparison, just because they are his parents.

So actually, children are our full form. As a person grows, he moves away from this form. It disappears over time. He wears masks. Then it tries to be complete again, it tries to go back to its old child form. Whoever carries his childhood virtues to adulthood is called sainthood.

Each child is a call to man. A call to self. “O human, you were like this once. Pure and clean." Just as we call a newborn child 'Light Ball', children remind us of the unspoiled state and nature of the human being.

2) Purifying; Children purify the world. Kissing a child has great flavor. Kissing purifies the person and clears our energy field. Again, children meet the world's need for enthusiasm, excitement and chirping.

3) NUTRITIVE; A child gives more to his mother than a mother gives to a child. A word, hug, compliment of children is tremendously nourishing. Child love is unconditional love. It fills a meaning gap. For this reason, the love of children is healing.

The same time At the same time, children feed us adults. By unconsciously scratching their parents' issues, they heal them. Just like when a tidy mother has a messy child, that mother's tolerance for messiness increases.

The reason for the child's existence is not because we educate him. We can only guide the child.

In addition, children feel understood. As soon as it is understood, he says, "everyone is trying to make a man of me, but this person is trying to understand me." Because they are very special beings and unfortunately they cannot be understood. We do not understand the child because there is adult blindness.

The reasons why we cannot understand the child:

Childhood cannot be re-experienced. We cannot be children again.

We cannot remember our childhood experiences.

Children do not have the mental and verbal skills to tell us about themselves.

The world of children is closed for these 3 reasons.

How a child's mind works. We don't know much about this. We think that children perceive us as adults. The child's mind works differently from us adults. If we were to express this with a few examples;

When the child sees the text 'Indoor Swimming Pool'; Saying, 'When will this pool open.'

When the child says 'Traffic Monster', the child thinks that there is a monster that will emerge while in traffic

When the child is told, 'Pay attention to me, baby.'; Saying, 'I don't give it, it's my attention.'

When you say Plum Water; the child; thinking of it as water that tastes like plum

When a child is vaccinated with a rusty nail stuck in his foot; Saying, "I am vaccinated so that I don't rust." It is necessary to explain things to children by concretizing.

For children, every information given by adults is correct and children combine different information in different ways. If we explain with an example; If a child's grandfather says that God gives the light, and his teacher says that Edison found the light in science class, it will be true for the child since these two pieces of information come from adults. The child combined these two pieces of information differently: 'Edison stole the absolute light from God.�

It is not right to try to establish a dialogue with children by making jokes. "Come and be our child." When it is said, the child believes it and says, “Alas! My parents will change.”


Children are not miniature people: They are not our little self. They don't perceive it like us. It should be treated like another species.

We do not own children: Children are entrusted to us. We are rude to what we think we own. For example; We say it doesn't matter if the neighbor spills tea on the floor. But if the child spills, we get angry. In fact, in this case, when it comes to skills, the child is more aggrieved than the adult, since his fine motor skills are not fully developed.

Children are not dishonored: the child also has dignity. For this reason, the older sister should not be angry with her younger brother.

Children are not needy and inadequate: Children are strong. They are the most flexible, the fastest adapting assets. They have greater capacity to adapt, stretch and heal. It is also not right to show children as very fragile.

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