PERIODONTOLOGY (Treatment of Gum Diseases)

Periodontology is the branch of dentistry that examines the structure of the soft (periodontal ligament, gum) and hard tissues (bone, cementum) surrounding the teeth, the diseases that occur in these tissues, and the treatment of these diseases.

Periodontal diseases are diseases that support the gums and teeth. They are inflammatory diseases that affect tissues. Periodontal diseases are responsible for 70% of tooth loss in adults. These diseases can be treated easily and successfully when diagnosed at an early stage. Prevention or treatment of gum diseases; It also brings other benefits such as protecting natural teeth, providing more comfortable chewing and better digestion. Periodontal diseases begin with gingivitis. So gingivitis is the early stage of periodontal disease. During this period, the gums are bleeding, red and enlarged in volume. It may not cause much discomfort in the early period. If left untreated, the disease can progress to periodontitis and cause irreversible damage to the alveolar bone that supports the gums and teeth

What are the symptoms of gum disease?
Gum disease has many symptoms; Bleeding gums during tooth brushing. Red, swollen and sensitive gums. Gums that can easily be separated from the teeth and receding. Inflammatory discharge between teeth and gums. Teeth that are loose or gradually moving away from each other (creation of gaps between the teeth or increasing of the existing gaps). Change in the relationship between the lower and upper teeth during biting. Partial denture. change in harmony, deterioration. Constant bad breath. However, periodontal disease can reach advanced stages without causing any symptoms. For this reason, it is extremely important to go to the dentist at regular intervals.
What is the treatment of gum diseases?
Treatment in the early stages of gum disease includes removing the attachments (plaque and tartar) on the teeth and ensuring a smooth root surface. This process ensures the removal of bacteria and irritants that cause inflammation in the gums. Generally, this treatment is sufficient for the gum to adapt to the tooth again or for the gum to shrink and eliminate the pocket. In the majority of cases in the early stages of gum disease, scaling will help remove plaque. Daily effective oral care following whitening and ensuring a smooth root surface is sufficient for successful treatment. More advanced cases may require surgical treatment. The purpose of this treatment is to clean the tartar in the deep periodontal pockets surrounding the teeth, to eliminate the pocket by shrinking and to ensure a smooth root surface, and to create a more easily cleanable gingival form. After periodontal treatment, patients should be examined regularly by the dentist, plaque control and new tartar accumulation should be removed from the environment.

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