My Child Doesn't Want to Go to School

Behind school phobia lies the anxiety of being separated from the mother. It has been determined that children who are afraid and anxious about going to school are generally compliant and dependent on their families.

We generally see the following characteristics in children who refuse to go to school:

The reason why school becomes a phobia for the child is the feeling of anxiety that arises with school. In fact, your child's problem is not the school environment. He/she rejects school simply because he cannot cope with the feeling of anxiety he feels about school.

The timidity in the child's temperament, hypersensitivity, or a triggering story experienced by the child at home or at school may play a factor in school phobia. The triggering event that reveals the phobia may include many situations such as a change of home or school, an illness that requires absence from school, a harsh teacher attitude, or being bullied at school.

So, what should we do for the child experiencing school phobia? ?

Before all this, parents, we should not forget that the most important condition for the child's development, adaptation to school and success is a happy and peaceful family environment. We must reflect our positive approach to school to the child and show the child the pride we feel in his/her going to school. As long as we provide this environment, it will be possible for us to cope with school anxiety in a healthy way.

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