Don't Gain Weight While Trying to Lose Weight

Can you gain weight while trying to lose weight? It may sound interesting, but yes, it can be purchased. You may even gain weight that is much more resistant than your previous weight.

There is a lot of information pollution about nutrition today. The most important of these are the wrong methods for losing weight. If we give an example of commonly known wrong weight loss methods, the first of these may be eating a low-calorie diet, well below normal. The public perception of 'the less I eat, the faster I lose weight' pushes individuals who want to lose weight to an unhealthful method. So why can't we lose weight by eating less? Because if the individual consumes a calorie intake well below normal, muscle loss is inevitable. Experiencing muscle loss in the body causes the metabolic rate to decrease. The decrease in metabolic rate means that the body now produces less energy and burns fewer calories than before. Thus, even if the individual consumes low calories, he cannot lose weight because he can spend less energy. After a certain period of time, even though he eats less than before, he starts to gain weight because he has a slow metabolism. Miracle diet, super diet, etc. that are not recommended by nutritionists. This is why many individuals who lose weight with diet methods called diet methods begin to gain weight again in a short time. In addition, since muscle loss occurs while losing weight, a higher percentage of fat in the body prevails when gaining weight again compared to the initial weight. Exceeding the fat percentage above normal limits is a trigger for various metabolic diseases.

Another widely known concept of losing weight is the concept of diet in which a single type of nutrition model is imposed. In fact, non-experts even call these diet models detox and try to attract the attention of individuals even more. So what exactly does uniform nutrition mean? These are limited diets using one or a few food groups. As examples, we can give the date diet, which was popular until recently. In this diet, which is completely unscientific and can have extremely serious consequences in terms of health, people need to exercise in the morning, at noon and in the evening. ECE is being forced to eat dates. Thus, very limited calories are consumed. However, with this diet method, the individual loads his body with high fructose sugar. On the contrary, this is a situation that increases fat in the body. Another unscientific and extremely unhealthy diet model that increases body fat while trying to lose weight.

Sometimes, people can only eat protein-based foods and reduce their carbohydrates significantly. But carbohydrates are the number one source of energy for our body, especially our brain. With insufficient intake, we cannot provide our body with the required energy. However, we cannot benefit enough from the protein we consume. Because when we take insufficient carbohydrates and high protein, our body needs more carbohydrates and begins to convert proteins into carbohydrates and produce energy. In addition, if applied for a long time, it may cause various damage to kidney functions.

An ideal diet should contain all macro (Protein, carbohydrate, fat) and micro (vitamin, mineral) nutrients in the right proportions. A uniform nutritional pattern should be avoided. The nutrition model and the diet method applied can only be prepared individually by a dietitian. In order to lose weight in a healthy way, a nutritionist should be consulted.


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