Cataract is the loss of transparency of the natural eye lens, which is located behind the pupil and provides vision, and becomes opaque. In other words, it is the distortion of vision as if looking through a fogged glass, and is also known as a curtain falling on the eye.
Although cataract is an eye disease that is most commonly seen in people over middle age;
∙In newborn babies,
∙After physical blows to the eye,
∙In diabetics,
∙It is an eye disease that can be seen in people who use cortisone drugs for a long time.
Symptoms of cataract
∙Slow decrease in vision, blurriness
∙Sensitivity to light (eye glare). )
∙Double vision with one eye
∙Difficulty in reading
∙Fading or yellowing of colors
∙Impairment in night vision
∙Frequent changes in glasses prescription
Cataract is not a disease that can be treated with medication or glasses, and there is no effective method to stop the progression of cataract. Although the treatment should not be delayed, the only treatment for a cataract that has formed is surgery. With the development of modern techniques, cataract surgeries are now performed without needles, anesthesia, or pain, and the patient returns home the same day. There are some important elements to consider in cataract surgery. The experience of the physician and the quality of the lens placed in the eye directly affect the success of the surgery. Eye problems may develop after surgery performed with poor quality lenses. This situation may bring the risk of the patient getting cataracts for the second time after a short time. This means a separate risk of surgery and financial burden for the patient.
Congenital Cataract
Congenital cataract is a condition seen from birth, where the lens is damaged unilaterally or bilaterally. It loses its transparency and becomes opaque. Congenital cataracts may occur due to infections experienced by the mother during pregnancy, medications used, or they may occur without any cause. A different color (white) of one pupil from the other or a misalignment of the eye (strabismus) may be a sign of congenital cataracts. As soon as these symptoms are observed in babies, an eye specialist should be consulted without delay. is. If congenital cataracts prevent vision and are especially unilateral, surgery should be performed as soon as the diagnosis is made. The ophthalmologist decides on the surgery time after a detailed examination. The most important problem in the eye with congenital cataract is amblyopia (amblyobia). In order to overcome amblyopia, surgery should be performed as soon as possible, in line with the recommendation of the ophthalmologist.
In the problem of nearsightedness, which is called presbyopia in medical terms, it is possible to see and read better with multifocal lenses after the age of 45. Multifocal lenses placed during cataract surgery remain in the eye for a lifetime and provide quality vision at both distance and near. Multifocal lenses are intraocular lenses that allow seeing both near and far. We can think of multifocal lenses as if they were glasses that show both near and far. In this way, while reading a text from a distance, we can easily read the small texts on your mobile phone, the texts on your laptops or the text of books without the need for glasses.
No More Presbyopia (Near Vision Problem)!
After the age of 45, people with cataracts can easily read the text on their computer, phone or book without having to use close-up glasses.
Multifocal lenses installed during cataract surgery allow patients to carry out their daily activities comfortably. Multifocal lenses, which have been used around the world for many years but have become more developed with new designs in recent years, provide significant convenience in patients' visual functions and therefore their quality of daily life. You can achieve excellent near and far vision with multifocal lenses placed on the eye during a 10-minute cataract surgery.
Multifocal lenses are now considered to be one of the most reliable methods to increase vision at far, near and even medium distances.
After standard cataract surgery, the eye By choosing a multifocal lens when inserting a lens into it, you can achieve quality distance and near vision after the same procedures. In cataract surgery, the lens in the patient's eye, whose natural structure has been damaged, is removed and replaced by the eye. A lens that is suitable for the patient's internal structure and will improve the patient's vision is placed. In this case, the patient has to use reading glasses. You can achieve quality distance and near vision by placing multifocal lenses into the eye instead of placing a standard lens.
These lenses can primarily be applied to patients with cataracts. It can be used in patients with cataracts after a detailed examination and if their eye structure is suitable. Not every patient's eye may be suitable for this type of surgery. People who have cataracts and want to completely eliminate glasses from their lives can do their daily routine without glasses, thanks to multifocal lenses (intraocular lenses). It is very important to inform the patient in detail before this surgery. First of all, with the selection of the appropriate patient, a physician experienced in cataract and refractive surgery, and the selection of the right lens and appropriate patient, good results can be obtained for both the patient and the physician.
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