Acupuncture and Exam Success

What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a very old treatment method, dating back to 3000 B.C. It started to be practiced by the Uyghur Turks in China in the 1000s. Acupuncture, which is a combination of the Latin words acus (needle) and punctura (to prick), is a method of treatment and disease prevention by inserting thin needles of various features into some special points on the body (acupuncture points). It is a scientific method based on maintaining the energy balance in the body. In the philosophy of acupuncture, the relationship between the patient's soul and body is very important, it is essential to show the patient the value he deserves. According to traditional Chinese medicine, humans are a part of the living universe and it is believed that the universal power and energy that exists in everything in nature is also present in humans. This energy, called "Chi", circulates in the human body through channels called "meridians". Acupuncture points are on these channels. With the acupuncture method, it is aimed to maintain balance and prevent disease by eliminating the circulation obstacle and imbalance of the energy in these channels.

Are there legal regulations regarding acupuncture? Who can apply acupuncture?
The World Health Organization accepted acupuncture as a scientific treatment method in 1974, our Ministry of Health accepted acupuncture as a scientific treatment method in 1991, and published the "Traditional and Complementary Medicine Regulation" in 2014. With these legal regulations, acupuncture is no longer an alternative medicine and has begun to gain the deserved popularity as an integrative, COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE. In our country, only people who are medical doctors and have received special and sufficient training on this subject are authorized to perform acupuncture.

Can acupuncture be applied to everyone? Are there any side effects?
Acupuncture can be applied at almost all ages, including children. Patients who do not receive acupuncture: those with serious mental illness, those with blood clotting disorders, and those with life-threatening addictions. We encounter side effects related to acupuncture very rarely. The incidence of these has decreased significantly today with the use of disposable needles and the knowledge and experience of the acupuncturist.

In what situations is acupuncture used? available?
In our country, acupuncture is thought to be most effective in quitting smoking or losing weight. However, acupuncture treats many diseases and is also used for preventive medicine and maintenance of health. We can understand from the numerous scientific publications that Western countries also pay due attention to acupuncture. It is possible to group the effects of acupuncture, which is known to be effective in the treatment of more than 150 diseases, into 6 main groups:

1. Pain relieving, 2. Body internal balance system. regulatory, 3. Immunity enhancing, 4. Soothing, 5. Improving motor functions and 6. Psychological effects.

What is Test Anxiety? Is it possible to take the exam without any anxiety?
Of course, it is natural to feel a certain amount of anxiety and stress in every exam, and it is even necessary to achieve success. However, what is at issue here is Exam Anxiety, which causes failure; It is the feeling of anxiety that a person experiences so intensely that it prevents him from using the information he learned during the exam, despite his intense studies and efforts until the exam date. From the first minutes of the exam, the child has difficulty collecting his thoughts, cannot pay attention to what he is reading, and begins to have difficulty understanding what he reads. He thinks that he has forgotten what he knows, and his anxiety level increases even more. As a result, exam success drops significantly.

What is the reason for this anxiety?
The underlying reason for Exam Anxiety is that the person does not feel ready for the exam. A student may not feel ready for the exam for many reasons. It is very important to find out why. Parents and teachers can sometimes unknowingly contribute to the development of a child's fear of failure. Mother pressure, father pressure, teacher pressure, environmental pressure…. How many people have succeeded with these pressures? First of all, families should accept their children as they are, and sincerely give the child the message "no matter what your exam result is, you are much more valuable to us" in order to eliminate the perception in the child that "his life depends only on the exam he will take."

Acupuncture exam What are its benefits for anxiety?
There are scientific studies showing that acupuncture has positive effects on coping with stress and increasing concentration while working. One of the main effects of acupuncture is the regulation of the Limbic System, which is the system that regulates the involuntary functioning of organs such as the heart, stomach and lungs, that is, it balances the working order of our heart, digestive system and the secretion patterns of our hormones. In this way, the body's response to stress becomes more balanced, positive improvements occur if there are sleep problems, concentration and attention increase, and the person's feelings of inner peace and calmness increase. As a result, the person approaches events that previously caused fear and excitement more easily, and anxiety can be reduced to manageable levels. It is necessary to start acupuncture sessions months before the exam. With body and ear acupuncture applications applied once a month, starting during this period, the child's anxiety is combated and his self-confidence that he will be successful is supported. With the increase in school success, the moral motivation of the student, whose grades increase during the preparation process for this exam, may begin to increase and exam anxiety may begin to decrease. When he takes the real exam, the person whose focus, attention level and reasoning ability increase is more calm and his exam success may increase.

Is Acupuncture alone sufficient during this period?

Changes We can combine several techniques in our toolbox to treat learning problems. For this purpose, hypnosis and hypnotic suggestions can be used simultaneously with acupuncture.


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