Fasting is not just about staying hungry, it is about understanding the feeling of hunger at a different level. Hearts softening with the application of religious rituals, understanding hunger and strengthening the sense of compassion, being able to look at life from a different perspective, taking care of the food that is the main fuel we offer to our body, is a holistic process in which the body and mind are purified from toxins.
Fasting with the arrival of the month of Ramadan. People's routine eating habits and number of meals change suddenly. While fasting, it is essential to ensure adequate and balanced nutrition with the right food choices in order to have a healthy diet. However, people who fast generally think that they can balance their hunger throughout the day by eating excessive and high-calorie foods at sahur. People who eat this way unknowingly open the doors to unhealthy nutrition.
In fact, it is possible for those who fast to maintain their health and weight by paying attention to the foods they consume.
Due to the long daylight hours in Ramadan, which falls in the summer months, approximately Our body stays hungry and thirsty for 16-17 hours. Although it is a fact that this long-term fasting is a rest period for the liver and digestive system, we should be gentle with these organs, which we switch from rest mode to activity mode with iftar. In order not to feel weak and tired in this process, it is essential to have a balanced diet during iftar, the period from iftar to sahur, and sahur.
There is one thing that is scientifically certain; Staying hungry slows down your metabolism. This is an indispensable adjustment made by the body for adaptation, because it has to maintain itself. When you suddenly give the body, which has been starving for a long time, a lot of food, it will store it all because the fear of famine has arisen in the body. Since fasting is a process in which we stay hungry for a long time, it is inevitable for our metabolism to slow down during that period. So what do we do then?
It should not be forgotten that drinking only water at sahur or eating and going to bed at night is extremely harmful. In this period when a long fasting period will be experienced, fasting people should choose the right foods, especially at sahur, to prevent hunger during the fasting hours during the day, to reduce the desire to sleep and to have a more dynamic day. It contributes significantly to keeping the body fit while eating.
- Have at least one type of food from the milk group, vegetable-fruit group and grain group on your table for sahur.
- Make sure to have one on your table. Consume boiled eggs. Eggs, cheese, milk and yoghurt containing protein will help you stay full for longer.
- Vegetables and fruits are rich in vitamins and minerals and will prevent vitamin and mineral deficits during long-term hunger.
- Foods from the grain group are necessary to meet the energy needs of the whole body, especially the brain.
- Stay away from tea, coffee, pickled foods and fried foods. It increases your water loss and the feeling of thirst you will experience during the day. The dehydrated body; It causes fatigue, muscle cramps, dry skin, difficulty in the digestive system, dizziness and a feeling of heat.
Staying fit makes oneself It feels light, comfortable and vigorous. Being fit during Ramadan starts with maintaining a diet that will not increase your weight.
- Break your iftar and try to eat slowly.
- You can consume 1 more meal after iftar and replace your liquid needs until you go to bed. You can try to support it as much as possible.
- Do not cause all the functions in your body to become overworked and fatigued by consuming excessive food suddenly after a long-term fasting. Such loads can cause stomach and digestive disorders with sudden intensity and can suddenly increase your blood sugar, making you feel more tired. For this reason, consume your iftar by dividing it into 2 meals.
- After breaking your iftar with dates or olives, drink a glass of water. In this way, you will get your stomach used to eating after it has been empty for a long time.
- Continue with light meals such as soup and salad and allow some time to pass before moving on to the main meal. You will both increase the satiety signal and get used to blood sugar and body functions.
- At least 1-2 hours after the main meal, a plate of mixed fruit salad, a bowl of fruit yoghurt or a handful of walnuts, almonds and hazelnuts. a serving of nuts or a healthy-made snack, such as You can consume one of the sweet or fruit desserts.
- Drink water between, during or after meals, regardless of time. You should replace the water you lost during the day.
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