Birth is a natural process. In this article, you can find information about the 3 stages of labor and their expectations.
Every woman's birth is unique. In some cases, labor lasts hours, in others less. If everything goes well, the birth stages are examined in 3 parts.
1stStage: The first stage of birth is the opening and thinning of the cervix, allowing the baby to move into the birth canal. . This is the longest stage of the 3 stages of labor. It consists of 2 parts.
Silent Period: During this period, your cervix begins to expand and mild to strong contractions may occur. These contractions can last between 30 and 60 seconds and come every 5 to 20 minutes. As the cervix opens, a thick, stringy, bloody discharge may come from the vagina.
How long does it last:You need to be patient. Premature birth is an unpredictable process. It may last for hours or days, especially for those giving birth for the first time. For mothers who are not having their first birth, it may take less time.
What you can do: The situation is up to you until the frequency and intensity of contractions increase. For most women, the silent period is not too bothersome. You may want to do housework, go for a walk or watch a movie, or continue your daily activities. It may also help you to do the following:
- Taking a shower or bath
- Listening to relaxing, calm music
- Getting a gentle massage
- Breathing slowly and deeply
- Changing position
- Drinking water and fruit juice
- Eating light and healthy foods
Active Period :Now the real part of the job has started. During the active period, the cervix dilates to 10 centimeters. Contractions are stronger and last longer. Towards the end of the active period, you feel like the contractions will never end. There will also be a feeling of increased pressure in your back. As the moment of birth approaches and the pain intensifies, your initial excitement fades. If you want medication or anesthesia for your pain, do not feel like you are giving up.
How long does it last:On average, the active period lasts about 8 hours. For some women, this period may take a few hours longer. Some women who have given birth before For these people, this period is shorter.
What you can do:See your doctor for encouragement and support. Practice breathing and relaxation techniques for your growing discomfort. It will also help you to do the following:
- Changing position
- Rocking in a rocking chair
- Taking a warm shower or bath
- Placing a cold, damp cloth on your forehead
- Going for a walk and stopping and resting when a contraction comes
- Getting a massage between contractions
If you feel the urge to strain, hold it until your doctor tells you that you are completely ready and can start straining. Rapid breathing and blowing are beneficial. Starting to push too early may cause the cervix to rupture or swell, which can delay labor or create other problems.
2. Stage: Birth of Your Baby
How long does it take: It takes between a few minutes and a few hours. For those giving birth for the first time and those who had epidural anesthesia, this process may take longer.
What you can do: You can push. You are encouraged to push with each contraction to speed up the process. Or he just lets it go; You can wait until the feeling of straining occurs. Many women prefer to push while lying on the birthing bed. For some, it is more comfortable to squat or sit. Try different positions until you find the one that suits you best. At some moments, you may be asked not to strain or to push more gently. Slowing down allows the vaginal tissues to stretch rather than tear. Seeing the baby's head coming out between your legs or with the help of a mirror increases your motivation. After the baby's head comes out, the airway is cleared and it is ensured that the umbilical cord is free. The rest of the baby's body continues to emerge more slowly.
3. Phase: Arrival of the PlacentaYou will feel a great relief after your baby is born. You can hold your baby between your arms or on your stomach. Enjoy the moment, but know that labor is not over yet. During the third stage of labor, your doctor should remove the placenta and make sure your bleeding is under control.
How long does it take? er :The placenta is removed within 5 or 10 minutes. In some cases it may take up to 30 minutes.
What you can do: Relax. By now, your attention is already focused on your baby. You become indifferent to what is happening around you. You may even want to breastfeed your baby. You will continue to experience mild contractions. Your doctor may massage your lower abdomen to help your uterus contract and remove the placenta. You may be asked to push one last time to remove the placenta, which will often come with some blood. Your doctor will examine the placenta to make sure it is intact and complete. Every piece remaining in the uterus must be removed to prevent bleeding or infection. Your doctor will see if you need stitches or anything else. If you need stitches, local anesthesia will be applied if the required area is not numb yet.
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