A long period of fasting during Ramadan, approximately 17 hours, not only changes the entire balance of the digestive system, but also may cause various digestive problems.

Lack of nutritional activity during the fasting period means that the entire digestive tract becomes active. causes it to become inactive. Consuming fast and large amounts of food with iftar; It may cause bloating and gas complaints in the stomach and intestines. It is possible to overcome complaints such as constipation, bloating and gas that may occur due to changes in the digestive system, by eating the right foods and using some probiotic-prebiotic supplements.

There are probiotics, which we call friendly bacteria, in our intestines. These bacteria play an important role in the formation of healthy digestive flora, digestion of food, support of the immune system, and synthesis of vitamins K and B. They can also eliminate digestive problems such as gas, bloating and constipation by preventing the proliferation of bad bacteria.

During Ramadan, there is an increase in "Irritable Bowel Syndrome", which is frequently manifested by abdominal pain, frequent urge to go to the toilet, bloating and gas complaints. It is observed.

Consuming enough water, increasing the number of meals, staying away from gas-forming foods, and including probiotic and prebiotic-containing foods (yoghurt, kefir, fibrous vegetables) on the table will make significant contributions to the treatment.

In order to avoid constipation problems during Ramadan, it is necessary to consume up to 2 liters of water, especially between iftar and sahur. Consuming buttermilk, vegetables and fruits will revitalize the body that has been exhausted throughout the day. Instead of consuming fatty, heavy, fried foods, etc., lighter foods should be consumed at the iftar table.

Eating soup first during the iftar meal will eliminate digestive problems and provide a feeling of satiety. The main course should be eaten 5-10 minutes after the soup. It is important to consume it little by little, in small portions. Succumbing to hunger and suddenly filling your stomach will be the biggest mistake you will make.

Foods consumed during iftar should be chewed thoroughly and should not be very salty, fatty or sweet foods. Approximately 2 hours after iftar Walking for half an hour will relax the digestive system and prevent constipation problems.

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