Starting school is an exciting experience for both the child and the family.
In the pre-school period, the child enters a process in which he leaves the family environment where he is reliable and unique for the first time and steps into another social environment.
>Most children become anxious in this environment where they will have new experiences and make new friendships. When a child suddenly encounters a crowd and a lot of peers he does not know, and sees that the family leaves him here and does not return for a certain period of time, he becomes anxious and may not want to go to school. This situation is quite normal. As a parent, do not forget that this problem is temporary and your attitude plays a very important role here while the problem passes.
The following generally goes through the child's mind:
— What is done at school? Will I be able to do what I want?
— Why am I coming here? Why do my parents leave me here alone?
— What do my parents do while I'm away?
— What will I do in the crowd? Who are they?
Problems adapting to school can also be seen as refusal to go to school, restlessness at school, excessive crying, anger, nausea, loss of appetite, joylessness, sleep problems, bedwetting and tics.
Of course, the structure of the school, the role of teachers, the school environment and the family's attitude to this issue are also very important for the child to overcome negative situations during this period.
If you have an authoritarian attitude as a family structure, the child will be afraid of you. They will not be able to share the situations they are worried about with you because they do not feel like an individual at home and will display a shy attitude towards their teachers. At the same time, he will have difficulty communicating with his friends and will become a more obscure profile, which will cause the school problem to grow even more.
If you have an overly tolerant attitude as a family structure, the child knows that he can make you do whatever he wants, as he has done so far. And when he says he doesn't want to go to school and you say no, the child may have crying spells, become stubborn, and again this will make your job very difficult.
So what happens in the democratic family attitude, which is the desired family attitude?
The child's interest in school Can easily express his/her anxiety to you, has an anxiety condition like most children He will show this by crying and refusing to go to school. In this case, democratic families will understand the situation that he is worried about and will support him with his anxiety. This will ensure that this process goes through more smoothly.
In general, the problem of adapting to school may cease to be a problem within 1-1.5 months, and it is a situation that varies from child to child.
To make this situation a smooth transition, parents should cooperate with the guidance service and teachers and approach the situation in the same way at home.
What families should do as a solution to this situation:
- Towards the child. displaying an understanding attitude
- Involving him in your preparations for school
- Do not punish him when he wants to go to school, this will increase his school anxiety even more
- Talking to him about issues that worry him Being supportive
-Explaining in short and concise terms why the child should go to school
-Explaining this situation honestly to the child when leaving school so that their trust in you is not broken, and also explaining why the family should go to school, when to return. It should also be explained,
- It should not be threatened, the problem should not be exaggerated by intimidation
-At the same time, school should not be explained to the child only in terms of homework and lessons, but it should not be shown as perfect either.
-Parents' decisions. and their behaviors should support each other and be consistent.
-Too many questions about school should not be asked during this period.
-It is necessary to normalize the situation gradually and the problem it creates should not be emphasized too much.
-If the problems continue to occur very intensely, support should be sought from an expert.
What should teachers do during this period:
- As teachers, you should approach children with love and reduce their anxiety with your behavior.
>- The family should be sent out of school gradually, and the family and the child should not be separated too harshly the first time.
- They should explain what the school is like and what they will do at school, appropriate to that age group.
- &nb sp;An orientation process should be planned with the cooperation of guidance counselors.
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