Am I addicted?
Addiction is a treatable disease that causes significant disorders in a person's social, work and family life. If you meet two of the conditions listed below within 1 year, it will be beneficial for you to receive psychiatric support.
1. Ingesting more substances than planned (drinking 3 while planning to drink 1 beer)
2. Desire or fruitless efforts to quit or control the substance (such as I will quit smoking next week)
3. Don't spend a lot of time finding the item
4. Feeling the desire and desire to take substances
5. Failure to fulfill major responsibilities at work, school or home (Student not studying or going to school, etc.)
6. Continuing despite having social and interpersonal problems
7. Reducing or giving up activities he/she enjoys (Giving up or giving up hobbies)
8. Using substances in potentially dangerous situations (drunk driving, etc.)
9. Continuing to use substances despite having a disease caused or exacerbated by substance use (Smoking despite having asthma, etc.)
10. Decreasing the effect of the substance used on the person or increasing the dose of the substance to achieve the same effect (A person who uses alcohol only to sleep at night increases the amount of alcohol over time to sleep)
11. Having withdrawal symptoms because of not taking the substance
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