The physical and mental growth and development of the baby in the womb is possible with the mother's adequate and balanced nutrition during her pregnancy. Premature birth, low birth weight (under 2500 grams), infants with insufficient physical and mental development, and stillbirths may occur due to inadequate and unbalanced nutrition of the mother during pregnancy.
The nutritional need of the fetus in the womb is provided through the placenta, a special organ formed in the mother during pregnancy. If the vitamins, minerals, protein and other nutrients taken by the mother are insufficient, the mother's stores are used to ensure adequate nutrition of the fetus. For example, if the mother receives insufficient calcium, calcium begins to be withdrawn from her bones (osteomalacia), when she receives insufficient iron, the need is met from iron stores, and in this case, the mother's blood iron levels decrease (anemia).
Since a new creature will grow and develop in the body during pregnancy, the daily energy, protein, vitamin and mineral needs of the mother naturally increase. In fact, since some vitamin and mineral needs cannot be met through food alone, your obstetrician may also suggest some additional vitamins and minerals, such as folic acid and iron preparations, starting from the first weeks of pregnancy. The average servings of nutrients required for the needs of a healthy pregnant woman are shown in the table.
Daily Nutritional Consumption Amounts Required for Pregnant Women
The most important issue to be emphasized about energy needs is to take into account the pregnancy starting weight of the pregnant woman. monthly average of 1-1.5 kg according to the gestational month. Although the weight gains of 3 months (it may change in multiple pregnancies) are considered normal, if the pre-pregnancy maternal weight is normal, the normal energy needs are supported with 150 calories in the first 1-3 months and an additional energy of 300 calories between the 4th and 9th months. No additional energy support is provided. If the mother is very obese, energy restriction can be made up to the first 3 months, but this restriction should not be less than 1200-1500 calorie intake. From the 4th month, the pregnant mother is definitely not weakened.
Pregnant However, the close circle of the mother-to-be said, "Eat plenty with two creatures!" It will not be beneficial for the baby to make suggestions such as such and directing the pregnant woman to excessive and unbalanced energy intake, on the contrary, it may adversely affect the health of the baby and the mother, making birth difficult. Let's not forget that pre-pregnancy nutrition should be balanced and sufficient to prepare for a healthy pregnancy. Healthy and happy pregnancies.
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