What is Osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is a systemic disease that occurs when the hardness of the bones in our body decreases and their quality deteriorates, causing them to become weaker and more breakable, and affects our entire skeleton. According to the data of the Turkish Osteoporosis Association; It is seen in one in every three women over the age of 50 and one in every five men over the age of 50.

What are the symptoms of osteoporosis?

The most common symptom of osteoporosis is the spine and back. Pain in the area. In later periods, shortening in height, stooping, and fractures that may occur even with simple movements and loads are the most important symptoms. However, osteoporosis may not cause any symptoms in the early period and may progress insidiously. Although bone density decreases, it may not be detected unless there is any breakage or crack in the bone. In this respect, regular physician check-ups are very important, especially for risky patients.

Who is at risk?

Especially post-menopausal women, osteoporosis in the first degree. Individuals with advanced age, those with thyroid hormone problems, women whose ovaries have been removed, those who use cortisol for a long time, those who live a sedentary life and smoke and drink alcohol are at higher risk.

Can osteoporosis be prevented?

Bone is in constant construction and destruction. Until the age of 30-35, this cycle is in favor of construction, then it gradually turns in favor of destruction. Some of the situations mentioned above disrupt this cycle faster and cause osteoporosis to occur. In this respect, regular calcium and vitamin D intake, regular exercise and sports during childhood and adolescence are the most effective methods to prevent osteoporosis. In later years, muscles should be kept strong with regular exercises, and activities such as healthy eating, proper sun exposure, avoiding smoking and alcohol, and walking should be made a part of life.

How is osteoporosis diagnosed?

In order to definitively diagnose osteoporosis, bone density measurement must be performed.

Have a healthy day...


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