10 Nutrition Tips to Reduce Reflux Complaints

Gastroesophageal reflux disease is a disease that occurs when the sphincter, which is located in the lower part of the esophagus and prevents stomach contents from escaping towards the mouth, loses its function. It is a disease that negatively affects the quality of life by causing complaints such as burning in the chest, bitter and sour water coming to the mouth, as well as complaints such as hoarseness, painful swallowing, belching, hiccup, chest pain, cough, nausea and vomiting in some patients. Lifestyle changes and healthy nutrition play an important role, as well as medications, in the treatment of reflux disease, which is very common in society. Specialist from the Department of Gastroenterology. Dr. Remzi Beştaş gave information about 10 nutritional suggestions that reduce reflux complaints.

If there are complaints of burning from the stomach to the throat...

Reflux affects 20 out of every 100 adults in society. It is an important disease affecting Reflux complaints may begin, especially after eating foods such as tomato paste, spicy dishes, chocolate, coffee, alcohol and acidic drinks. If there is a burning sensation from the stomach to the throat and a bitter and sour taste in the mouth, these complaints may indicate reflux. In organs and systems other than the esophagus and stomach; It can also cause complaints such as chest pain, asthma-like symptoms, sore throat, hoarseness, chronic cough and tooth decay.

Lifestyle change is important

Life A change in style is recommended for every reflux patient. Reflux patients should first take simple measures that improve their quality of life and reduce complaints. Raising the head of the bed, avoiding tight and tight clothes, maintaining weight control, not lying down immediately after eating, and keeping at least 3 hours between sleeping and eating are some of the simple precautions recommended. Dietary changes are also very important in controlling reflux complaints. A special diet program should be applied to the patient, portions should be reduced, and fatty and heavy meals should be avoided. The best response to treatment is achieved with acid suppressant drugs. Surgery is another treatment option for patients who cannot get results from medication, diet and lifestyle changes in sufficient duration and dose.

Nutritional recommendations that reduce reflux complaints

Be Changing the eating habit has an important place in the treatment of reflux. Reflux complaints can be controlled by avoiding foods that trigger reflux and following an appropriate diet. The following nutrition and lifestyle change suggestions are very effective in reducing reflux complaints.

  • Drinks should be limited during meals and consumed mostly between meals.

  • Alcohol use should be avoided. should be avoided or at least limited.

  • Foods should not be swallowed whole, but should be chewed thoroughly in the mouth.

  • Reflux patients should avoid chewing gum. Because chewing gum increases the amount of air swallowed, which can lead to reflux complaints along with gas.

  • You should sit in an upright position during the meal and for 45 minutes after the meal.

  • No food or drink other than water should be consumed at least 2-3 hours before sleeping.

  • Portions at meals should be reduced from morning to evening.

  • Especially spicy foods, fried foods, fatty and tomato paste dishes, chocolate, carbonated beverages

  • beverages, tomato juice, coffee and tea should be limited.

  • Fruits such as lemon, orange, tangerine and grapefruit and their ready-made or freshly squeezed juices

  •    should not be consumed.

  • Smoking increases reflux complaints. Smoking should not be used.

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