What is Beta hCG?

Many physiological events occur in our bodies that ensure the continuity of life and the protection of our health. Hormones are one of the most important factors in the realization and regulation of these events. Hormones are critical in many aspects of physiological processes, especially in women. Beta-hCG is one of the most effective hormones in women.

What is beta hCG?

Beta-human chorionic gonadotropin, or beta hCG for short, is a type of hormone secreted from various cells that develop in the human body. It is structurally similar to thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH), which play a key role in other important events in our body. In this respect, although it may cross-react with these hormones, beta-hCG has a wide variety of functions, mainly in the development and regulation of the female reproductive system, and the maintenance of the production of estrogen and progesterone hormones.

In medical practice, beta-hCG is often found in the body during pregnancy. rises. Therefore, in the clinic, the measurement of beta-hCG in the blood is called a pregnancy test. According to the value of beta-hCG in the blood, valuable information can be obtained on important issues such as pre-pregnancy diagnosis, pregnancy status, maternal and infant health. However, in the presence of various health problems, the beta-hCG value may increase without pregnancy. In this sense, every beta-hCG elevation does not mean pregnancy, and it is extremely important that the results of beta-hCG measurement in the blood be evaluated by a specialist physician.

Beta hCG calculation can be made from blood samples taken from the person; It can also be done at a simple level with various apparatus that provides beta-hCG measurement from urine sold in various institutions such as pharmacies. However, since beta-hCG measurement from blood is made with automatic devices, it gives more reliable and accurate results.

What Should Be the Beta hCG Value?

Beta-hCG value measured in blood in a healthy person is 0 – 10 It is considered to be mlU/mL. Beta-hCG elevation is mentioned in people who are calculated above this value and should be examined for the underlying cause. After this event, the beta-hCG level in the blood is increased every 24 to 48 hours. continues to increase by doubling. Beta-hCG value in the blood reaches its highest level in the 8th to 11th week after fertilization and beta-hCG value starts to decrease in the following weeks of pregnancy. For example, “What should be the beta hcg value at 4 weeks of pregnancy?” The answer to the question is that it can vary between 5 – 426 mlU/mL. On the other hand, beta hcg values ​​in twin pregnancies can be quite high compared to normal pregnancies in the same week.

How does beta-hCG rise?

Physiologically, it functions as a tunnel between the uterus and ovaries in the female body. visible fallopian tubes. The male sperm reaches this region through the uterus and is fertilized with the egg (ovum) cell coming from the ovary, and the fertilized cell begins to develop and reaches the uterus. The cell community that takes its place in the uterus differentiates over time and creates various new cell groups. One of these cells, syncytiotrophoblast cells; It begins to be buried in the uterus and to destroy the surrounding tissues in order to provide the necessary substances for the nutrition of the embryo attached to the uterus from the uterus wall. Another thing it does while fulfilling this task is to secrete beta-hCG. Thanks to beta-hCG secretion, the continuity of progesterone secretion is ensured and pregnancy becomes sustainable. In other words, beta-hCG secretion is indispensable for a healthy pregnancy.

Besides these processes, beta-hCG level in the blood may increase due to various health problems. Especially in various pregnancy-related diseases or some types of cancer, beta-hCG secretion at very high levels may occur compared to pregnancy.

What are the Causes of High Beta-hCG?

Beta-hCG in general pregnancy test Although it is formally accepted, it is an important laboratory test used in the diagnosis of various diseases encountered in the clinic. In this context, the beta-hCG value in the blood may increase in the following conditions or conditions:

Besides these, beta-hCG provides important information in triple screening tests used in the routine evaluation of pregnancy, in the evaluation of maternal and infant health and in the examination of the disease in case of miscarriage risk.

What Should Be Done at High Beta-hCG?

The increase in the measured value after the beta hCG test may be due to physiological conditions such as pregnancy, as well as various health problems. Therefore, the detailed history of the patient should be questioned and a detailed physical examination should be performed in order to evaluate the beta-hCG elevation correctly. After these examinations carried out by a specialist physician, it may be necessary to apply to additional laboratory tests with various imaging methods such as ultrasound if necessary. Pregnancy can be mentioned when it is found to be higher than the alden. However, this pre-diagnosis of pregnancy often needs to be confirmed by ultrasound. Since a similar situation may occur in the case of health problems such as ectopic pregnancy or molar pregnancy, which are related to pregnancy, pregnancy should be examined in detail and a definitive diagnosis should be made. It is very valuable to detect a healthy increase in beta-hCG level as well as a high level. Beta-hCG values, which do not increase as it should, may indicate health problems such as ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage. Within the scope of the test, estrogen, alpha-fetoprotein and beta-hCG levels in the blood are examined. Based on the blood levels of these substances, important data on maternal and infant health are obtained on various subjects. In particular, the triple screening test is performed to investigate Down syndrome, neural tube defects, various genetic or pregnancy-related anomalies. Accordingly, the beta-hCG value measured in the test should be determined within the reference range of the relevant gestational week. Although higher-than-normal values ​​may indicate various genetic disorders, this test does not make a definitive diagnosis and indicates the need for further evaluation. Apart from these, in case of detection of high beta-hCG in people who do not have a delay in menstrual bleeding or who are not planning pregnancy, the presence of other diseases may be required. In particular, the detection of beta-hCG values ​​that are well above the reference range may indicate serious health problems such as choriocarcinoma. You can use the contact form on our website to reach us.

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