People who want to "lose weight fast"like everyone else, already know that losing weight with the right and healthy weight loss rates is the healthiest way... but despite all these risks of health problems, they still desire to lose weight fast.
Not only that; We observe that people who want to "lose weight fast" are not sufficiently informed by experts who claim that they will make you lose weight quickly.
They can make you lose 20 kilos in a few months. If they told you that you would gain 25 kilos back in the next few months, would you stay there?
Every body has a fat burning rate resulting from its metabolic rate and compatible with its lifestyle, and this fat burning rate is personal. and may differ from person to person. But this can never be the case with those weekly and monthly figures that claim to make you lose weight quickly.
The words "weight loss" and"slimming". It has now become a tradition to add the word "fast" to the beginning of an advertisement, a book, or a centre's slogan most of the time. The perception is created that any weight loss that is not fast will be slow, and when we say "your body has an ideal weight loss rate, you should lose weight at that speed", some people find these speeds not sufficient.
These methods try to direct you by saying "Don't stop, start now and lose weight fast"; They use your desire to "get it fast and fast" with hasty and unrealistic promises and can cause serious harm to your body and your slimming process.
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On social media These methods and some experts show examples and claim that they make you lose ten to fifteen kilos in a month, and sometimes even more. They show examples of their patients, whom they quickly transformed from their old overweight state to their new, slim state, by showing pictures. Most of the time, you look at them too, are surprised by those numbers and imagine... You think about how happy it would make you to lose tens of kilos in weeks. You want to be like that. You also want this to happen quickly with increasing desire.
With these social media advertisements, you You may have wanted to be one of those people who are shown as overweight and thin... You are also sincere in your feelings. You must have said that the weight should go away immediately and quickly... and eventually you fall into this trap and what's the worst that could happen to me? You say.
This is exactly where you should be very careful when these thoughts come to your mind....
Even if you lose weight at the speed and amount you desire, the costs of losing weight quickly in the future can be very heavy for you.
Our suggestion to you is that when you encounter a method or an expert that calls you with big words, social media posts and slogans, do not start the process and do not get carried away!! First, you should calmly deepen your research.
By looking comparatively before deciding which method and expert to start this most important process of your life; Do the achievements of this method or expert reflect reality? More importantly, question whether it suits your body?. Contact your relatives. Contact all centers and people and ask what techniques and approaches they will use to help you. Be patient when getting started.
When people who have tried another method but failed, or who have lost weight but gained it back, apply to us, we see their despair and fatigue. Apart from everything else, we observe the disappointments they experience because of the time they lost. Investigate calmly, evaluate correctly and please stay away from "fast", "hasty" and "immediate" methods and people.
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