Benefits of Eating Fish

Fish is a food that both children and adults should consume regularly, due to its rich vitamin content and strong nutritional value. Although it varies depending on the sea and season it lives in, fresh and diverse fish, especially in the winter months, should be on the table at least 2-3 days a week. Specialist from Memorial Diyarbakır Hospital Nutrition and Diet Department. Dyt. Özlem Tay gave information about 10 important benefits of fish that should be known.

It protects the immune system

Fish, especially consumed in season, strengthens the immune system thanks to the fatty acids it contains. It is an extremely necessary food. Studies have proven that fish protects the body against flu and infections. Especially during the season, fish should be consumed regularly, twice a week.

Omega3 storage

Unlike other animal-based foods, fish contains omega3, called unsaturated fatty acids, instead of saturated fat. contains fatty acids. Omega3 is an extremely beneficial fat that is not produced by the body and is found mostly in fish. Salmon, mackerel, sardines and tuna, especially cold water fish, are rich in omega 3. Omega-3; In addition to protecting cardiovascular health, it reduces the risk of macular degeneration and helps regulate blood sugar.

It benefits intelligence development

Fish is rich in iodine. It is a source of nutrition and plays an important role in intelligence development. It is seen that children who eat fish increase their intelligence scores and their learning abilities. It has been determined that the babies of mothers who regularly consume fish, especially in the first three months of pregnancy, have stronger learning, perception and hand functions such as grasping and holding during infancy. DHA in the composition of fish, which supports intelligence development in babies and children, plays an extremely active role in the healthy development of vision and neurological development.

It protects heart health

Fish is complete. is a friend of the heart. Omega3 fatty acids in fish reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) and increase good cholesterol (HDL). It helps reduce triglycerides, i.e. free fats, in the blood. Prevent heart failure and stroke risk by lowering blood pressure It increases the fluidity of the blood by preventing it from clotting.

Strengthens the bones

Fish also strengthens the bones. Especially small fish that can be eaten with their bones are rich in calcium, which helps strengthen bones. With this feature, those who have osteoporosis problems, menopausal women and the elderly are recommended to consume plenty of fish.

It repairs cells

Proteins are a very important source of nutrients for the body. Some foods, including fish, create quality protein and fats. Protein has an important role in the repair of cells and the construction of new tissues. That's why fish, which is rich in protein, should be consumed.

Protects against depression

In the intense work tempo and hectic daily life, problems can sometimes overlap. Especially in individuals who are personality-wise, stress can give way to depression. Studies show that fish containing high amounts of Omega3 fatty acids, especially salmon, mackerel and tuna, provide great benefits against depression.

It reduces the risk of diabetes

Omega-3 significantly reduces the risk of diabetes in young people. It increases the function of insulin and provides protection against Type 2 diabetes. For this reason, it will be beneficial for diabetic patients and those at risk of diabetes to consume plenty of fish.

It Reduces the Risk of Alzheimer's

As human life increases, it is an increasingly common disease of the age. It is of great importance to consume fish twice a week against Alzheimer's. One of the benefits of fish oil and Omega3 fatty acid is that it reduces the risk of Alzheimer's. Fish, which is a powerful weapon in preventing memory loss caused by Alzheimer's, should be consumed especially steamed or grilled.

It is beneficial for joint pain

Omega3 fatty acids. It is one of the most powerful nutritional components that has an anti-inflammatory effect by reversing the mechanisms that cause tissue damage. Fish consumption is important in reducing joint rheumatism and relieving existing pain, especially in rheumatoid arthritis patients. It has benefits.


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