Habits That Prevent Weight Loss

Many of your habits may prevent you from losing weight. Here are some of those habits that prevent weight loss...

Fast Food Consumption
It takes about 20 minutes for the full signal to come from your stomach to your brain. When you start eating and consume your meal very quickly after taking the first bite, your food consumption amount will be high and you will not get the satiety signal after the meal because there is too much food intake. Therefore, when you sit down to eat, divide all the food you want to consume into 4 equal parts and consume the first quarter in 20 minutes. Afterwards, you will be surprised to see that you can only finish the second quarter.

Consuming Too Many Diet Products
If you consume more diet products thinking they are lower in calories, you will not be able to lose weight. The most important feature of bread-derived diet products (diet biscuits, crackers, whole wheat breadsticks, pasta, etc.) is that they are rich in fiber. Fiber prolongs the hunger period and regulates the functioning of the intestines. However, if consumed in excess, it prevents weight loss. For example, the difference between a plate of whole wheat pasta and regular pasta is the higher amount of pulp. Their calories are the same, just like the difference between 25 grams of normal bread and rye bread.

Some bread-derived diet products contain artificial sweeteners. For example, sweet diet biscuits. In fact, these products are recommended for diabetic individuals. To reduce the negative effects of simple sugar on blood sugar. Half a pack of diet biscuits provides approximately the same calories as 1 slice of bread. Excessive consumption therefore increases calorie intake. Products such as reduced-fat milk, yoghurt and cheese may be lower in calories, but since you cannot get the required fat from these foods, there will be problems in the use of fat-soluble vitamins such as A, D, E and K. We will not be able to absorb some of the essential fatty acids into your body.

Emotional Snacks
If you constantly want to eat something when you are bored or depressed, you should stop this. If you suspect that you have such a habit, think carefully about why you want to eat when you are hungry. Think about it. Are you really hungry, when was the last time you ate? If you conclude that you are hungry based on the answers to these questions, you probably do not have an emotional snacking habit.

You may also feel like you want to snack on something when you are thirsty. First of all, look at how much water you drank today, how many hours you haven't drunk water. If you drink too little water, you may be confusing your feeling of thirst with the desire to snack. First, drink 2 glasses of water slowly. It will be very useful!

Drinking plenty of water speeds up your metabolism and helps you lose weight. In order for our metabolism to work properly, we should make it a habit to drink 2.5-3 liters of water a day.

It's All or Nothing

Eating healthy or going on a diet; It doesn't mean that you won't eat anything high-calorie or junk food for life. Of course, you can eat things like chocolate and chips once in a while. But the important thing is that they take up very little space in your diet. If you abandon your entire healthy diet or diet routine just because you ate a piece of cake, saying "I broke my diet anyway", this is a big mistake. Eat a piece of whatever you want, enjoy it and don't continue. A piece of chocolate will not waste your weeks-long weight loss efforts.

Psychological problems and excessive stress
These problems and the treatments applied for these problems prevent weight loss.

Skipping meals
It has been scientifically proven to have 3 main meals and 3 snacks for regular metabolism. Breakfast should be had early in the morning and meals should not be skipped. Skipping meals also causes you to consume food quickly because you are very hungry.

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