7 Golden Rules to Speed ​​Up Metabolism During Ramadan

During Ramadan, your body's need for water will increase due to long periods of dehydration and increased temperature. Let's make sure to drink at least 2.5 liters of water between iftar and sahur.

As we remain dehydrated throughout the day and exposed to hot and humid weather, our loss of water and minerals will increase. Let's be careful to consume 1 mineral water a day for mineral supplements.

Fasting without sahur increases the duration of hunger significantly. As a result, our blood sugar drops and we experience fatigue. Therefore, it is very important to make healthy choices at sahur. It is necessary to be careful to choose milk, yoghurt, cheese and eggs for sahur.

Starting with soup at iftar and continuing with low-fat foods and plenty of salad will both relax your stomach and prevent you from gaining weight.

Instead of foods with a high glycemic index such as white bread and rice pilaf, fibrous foods such as bulgur pilaf, wholemeal bread or wholemeal pasta, which provide energy but raise blood sugar in a balanced manner, should be preferred. Carbohydrate foods that trigger the feeling of hunger after being eaten should be avoided.

Eating meals quickly will give you fullness and make you feel full quickly. It upsets your stomach and makes you feel hungry quickly. For this reason, it is necessary to eat slowly, especially at iftar.

Eating after a long period of fasting. It weighs down your stomach and you both physically and mentally. Walking after iftar helps you both burn calories and digest what you eat.

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