Dorn Therapy

The Dorn Method or "Dorn Therapy", named after Dieter Dorn, who developed it, is a therapy method that spreads its effect throughout the body, especially through the spine. Thanks to this, back and joint pains as well as complaints about internal organs are treated and even eliminated.

With Dorn Therapy, which we call a real self-help method, the alignment and alignment of the spine and joints are regulated.


In this way, the nerves are relieved. Blood circulation in the body is ensured without obstruction. By ensuring blood circulation, the cells are nourished, the body's self-renewal process begins and pain disappears, as well as regeneration in the relevant organs.


Dorn Therapy begins with equalizing the leg length, which is not always equal. Unfortunately, the fact that the leg lengths, which we will accept as the basis of the building, are not the same, causes the hip and spine, which represents the building itself, to not be in the required alignment.


The person's own dynamic movements and the Dorn Therapist's With the pressure applied, first the leg length is equalized, the parallelism of the pelvis and sacrum is ensured, and the alignment of the vertebrae on the spine begins. Then, the clavicle (collarbone) and neck vertebrae and finally the head bones are studied. All joints and bones in the body are brought to their required positions.


Due to the slippage of the Clavicula (collarbone) and Mandibula (lower jawbone), especially the Atlas (first cervical vertebra C1) Slippage occurs in the cervical vertebrae. The most common problem here is lordosis flattening caused by excessive stretching of the muscles in the neck. The neck, normally shaped like the letter C, takes the shape of a straight line. When the neck straightens, two of the four vertebral arteries leading to the brain become stretched and not enough blood can flow to the brain.


The person may experience migraine, headache, dizziness, forgetfulness, nausea, high blood pressure, chronic fatigue, irregular blood flow. One-sided facial paralysis, sinus complaints, hearing loss, earache or tinnitus may occur due to poor circulation.


Scoliosis, lumbar & cervical disc herniation, sciatica, hip bone/joint pain, knee pain, migraine, foot problems, uterine prolapse Most of the diseases we encounter, such as abdominal, bowel and bladder problems, can be caused by a curved pelvis position and a spine that becomes asymmetrical/curved and out of alignment.


>The movements listed below should be strictly avoided for 6 to 8 weeks after Dorn Therapy.


Crossing your legs

Standing on one leg

Standing with your knees stretched

Walking with your hips outward

Stepping on your heels first while walking

Lying on your side while sleeping

While wearing shoes, using the hands from the outside of the leg

Stretching movements made by bringing the knee closer to the body at more than 90 degrees

Dorn Therapy is often applied together with Breuss Massage.


It is a very special spine massage.

It was developed in 1988 by Harald Fleig, who realized that the "intervertebral disc massage" he had learned from Rudolf Breuss, who was 89 years old, was done in very good harmony with the Dorn Method. .

It is applied only to the back area.

It is a massage that relieves pain with the pressure technique applied, relaxes the back muscles, increases the mobility of the spine and increases blood circulation.

Intervertebral. We act on the basis that there is degeneration in the discs, not ruptures, and that it is possible for this to renew itself (regeneration).


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