Surgical Applications in the Treatment of Cancer

Cancer is a chronic disease that is progressive, recurrent, tends to spread, and often results in death.

According to World Health Organization (WHO) data, approximately 9 million people die every year due to cancer. The rate of these deaths is higher in regions with low socioeconomic levels due to delay in diagnosis and inadequate treatment. According to estimates, 11.5 million people are expected to lose their lives due to cancer in 2030.

The treatment of cancer should undoubtedly be a multifaceted treatment based on knowing all the points and functions that the disease affects in the human body. In modern medicine, this treatment is entirely a team effort.

Cancers of the digestive system organs such as the esophagus, stomach, duodenum, small and large intestines, rectum and anus are generally referred to as digestive tract cancers.

This is called digestive tract cancer. In addition, cancers of the liver, gallbladder and bile ducts and the pancreatic gland, spleen masses, cancers of the abdominal wall, membranes and fatty tissues are also treated surgical diseases.

General surgeons also treat breast, thyroid and parathyroid glands as well as adrenal glands. They also treat gland cancers and some soft tissue cancers (Sarcomas) with various surgical techniques.

The most important step in the treatment of all cancers that manifest themselves by forming a mass is to remove the mass and a disease-free tissue border around it before the disease spreads. .

The aim of surgical interventions in the treatment of cancer may not always be to eliminate the disease. It is the surgeon's duty to take tissue samples and determine the stage to make the diagnosis at the beginning, as well as to relieve pain in advanced stages, provide nutrition, eliminate infection, correct impaired organ functions, and prolong life or increase its quality by eliminating blockages. For this purpose, laser, radiofrequency, laparoscopy (surgery with closed methods), Robotic surgery and many other modern technological devices and methods are used today.

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