Since the branch of 'Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PTR)' is simply called 'physical therapy', we, as branch physicians, encounter various problems in our professional practice. In fact, "physical therapy" is the general name of a group of treatments we apply to pain in certain diseases and is a small field of the PTR branch. An FTR physician should not be perceived as a physician who prescribes physical therapy to patients who have been diagnosed and recommended physical therapy.
The concept of “physical medicine” means the branch of medicine that deals with the physical problems of the person.
All kinds of pain related to the musculoskeletal system
Spine pains such as neck-back-waist (posture disorders, waist-neck flattening, hunchback , scoliosis, slipped waist, hernias, calcifications)
Pain in hip, knee, foot, shoulder, elbow, hand joints
Soft tissue pain (fibromyalgia, overuse problems, strains, nerve compression, muscle-tendon strain)
Rheumatic diseases
Osteoporosis (bone loss)
These are topics that FTR physicians master in every aspect.
For example, is the pain of a patient complaining of neck or lower back pain due to a hernia, posture? Is it due to a disorder, is the muscle-joints strained, is it a reflection of a problem in another area, is it a rheumatic condition? The FTR physician evaluates these; treats, and refers to the relevant branch if there is a condition that requires surgery.
Treatments that can be applied in pain related to the musculoskeletal system:
Drug treatments.
Exercise planning
Ergonomics training
Dry needling p>
Neural therapy
Trigger point injections
Intra-articular injections
Physical therapy (with devices)
Ozone therapy p>
The concept of "rehabilitation" mentioned in the name of the department These are treatments aimed at increasing the functions of a person whose daily living activities are restricted. In fact, almost every disease that restricts a person functionally requires recovery. bilitation is required.
Rehabilitation practices:
Stroke, spinal cord paralysis, cerebral palsy patients
Parkinson etc. movement disorders
MS etc. motor neuron diseases
Orthopedic problems
Patients who underwent orthopedic surgery
Functional limitations due to cardiovascular diseases
Lymphoedema patients
Obesity, insulin resistance
"Rehabilitation" and, if necessary, other "physical medicine practices" should always be included in the treatment process of these diseases
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