Face Lift Aesthetics
Face Lift Aesthetics; It is an operation that we performed with the desire to have a younger face, to eliminate age-related sagging in the facial area and loosening of the skin.
Face Lift Surgery
Under general anesthesia, from the hairline at eye level. It takes approximately 3.5-4 hours, starting from the incision to the area behind the ear, stretching the fatty tissues covering the facial muscles under the skin upwards and backwards, and then removing the loosened skin from the incision line area. After the surgery, a facelift corset that covers your face is worn. We place a drain to remove the dirty blood that will accumulate under the skin. After the surgery, you will stay in the hospital for 1 night. You will be discharged the next day after your check-ups and removal of the installed drain.
Pain After Surgery
Although tension may be felt due to swelling in the first 3 days, pain is very rare.
Surgery. Post-Healing
The face lift corset worn after the surgery is used for 10 days. Daily dressings are continued. The swelling begins to subside after 15 days and disappears completely after about 2 months. The stitches are removed on the 15th day. It takes up to the 6th month for the face to fit properly.
Scars Left After Surgery
Incision scars will not be visible on the scalp and behind the ear. The incision mark in front of the ear will look like a stretch mark within 6 months and will not attract much attention.
Things to Pay Attention to After the Surgery
- Resting at home for about 1 week will be sufficient.
- Use of the face lift corset should not be interrupted for 10 days.
- The dressing should not be interrupted.
Side Effects That May Occur After Surgery
Blood Accumulation (hematoma) : It is detected early. It can be prevented with a short intervention.
Infection: It occurs when the antibiotics prescribed by your doctor are not used and the dressing is neglected. Care should be taken.
Numbness: Loss of sensation in the earlobe may occur for approximately 6 months. This situation is mostly temporary.
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