Tear in Shoulder Muscles

The shoulder girdle consists of the articulation of the upper arm bone, collarbone and shoulder blades. In this articulation area, there are 4 muscles called "rotator cuff muscles" that enable the arm to perform some movements. In addition, there is a separate protective sheath called "bursa" that protects the muscles in this region, and this bursa also facilitates the movement of the muscles.

Heavy work done by lifting the arm above the head, trauma, changes in muscle structure due to aging, Tears may occur in patients with impingement syndrome that lasts a long time and has not received adequate treatment. These tears appear as partial or full thickness.

One or more findings may be observed in patients, depending on the severity of the tear and accompanying additional pathologies. Commonly observed symptoms are pain, limitation of movement in the shoulder (especially the inability to lift the arm to the side or very painful lifting), and weakness in the arm. For diagnosis in these patients, the patient's past history, daily activities and possible trauma are questioned. Detailed clinical examination, radiography and MRI examinations are required for a definitive diagnosis.

There are many treatment methods and combinations can be applied depending on the stage of the disease and the patient's complaints. Long and effective shoulder rehabilitation, medication and ice therapy, and injections are applied for early treatment purposes. In resistant cases, surgical treatment with the closed method, also called arthroscopy, can be successful in almost all patients. In this method, the anatomical structures causing pressure are shaved by entering three separate holes of 1 cm in size, and the existing muscle tears can be stitched with the help of mini screws called stitched anchors.


Which complaints indicate tearing in the shoulder muscles? ?

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