If you turn the slightest illness or pain into a disaster scenario and go from doctor to doctor, constantly check your body and become anxious, and believe that you have an undiagnosed disease and do research on it on the internet, Hypochondriasis; You may be “Hypochondriac”. People with the disease are more likely to become depressed because they constantly worry about their bodies. Expert Psychologist Seliyha Doşmaz gave information about people with hypochondria.

They Constantly Worry About Their Health Conditions

Hypochondriasis (hypochondriasis). ); It is a disorder characterized by high levels of anxiety, in which the person believes that even the slightest signs of illness or pain are symptoms of serious, fatal or incurable diseases, even though he does not have a physical illness. People with this disease constantly worry about their health condition. They react excessively to any minimal change in their body. All attention is on the symptoms of serious disorders that have not yet been diagnosed and detected. For this reason, they are extremely sensitive to body sensations compared to other people. They are constantly busy checking their bodies or monitoring situations that may be signs of any disease, even if minimally.

They Interpret the Simplest Pains as if they were a Disaster

Thought contents Because the disease is full of doubts and concerns; They exhibit many control behaviors such as monitoring their heartbeat, measuring their pulse, touching their body to understand whether there is any pain, and checking their breathing patterns. Even the simplest pain is interpreted as a disaster and they pursue it. They search for symptoms on the internet and go from doctor to doctor, believing the worst-case scenarios. Since they cannot trust doctors' diagnoses, they usually try to see at least 2-3 doctors for the same symptom to make sure. As long as no physical cause is found, their belief that they have an undetected serious illness becomes even stronger. They think that doctors cannot understand them and cannot detect the disease. Alternative ti The people who use these methods most often are people with this disease.

They Increase Their Anxiety

They are not the only ones who suffer due to suspicions of the disease. People in their immediate surroundings are also often affected by this situation. Because the person constantly overwhelms those closest to him because he cannot control his own worries and anxiety. At the same time, these people get symptoms very quickly. They are quickly affected by the disease news in any conversation or in a program they watch, and they begin to wonder whether they have these symptoms. It triggers anxiety by causing symptoms that are not sensitive to body sensations to be perceived as present. People who scan for diseases on the internet the most are from this group. They do not realize that they increase their anxiety while trying to learn about diseases.

The Rate of Depression is Very High in These People

The rate of depression is very high in people with the disease. A person who cannot find a solution to his problem falls into pessimism and hopelessness, and his enjoyment of life decreases. In addition, with the belief that he has a disease that has not yet been detected; They experience a general loss of motivation, such as restricting their movements and not doing daily activities. As they stay in bed longer, their belief that they are sick increases, and they begin to enter a cycle of depression. Since all the attention is on the body, withdrawal begins, restricting social activities, and therefore deterioration in many important areas of social, social and professional functionality begins.

If You Have These Symptoms, You Might Be a Hypochondriac;

Be sure to consult mental health professionals for psychiatric evaluation. Today, you can overcome this disease with effective psychotherapy practices and, in some cases, medication.


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