One of our patients, who started having pain in his hands and feet a while ago, started to hear "you have inflammatory rheumatism" while he was looking for a solution to this problem. With his words, anxiety began to fill him. When he finally reaches the Rheumatologist who will explain this diagnosis or tell him whether it is correct or not, he learns that his disease is "Rheumatoid Arthritis". You immediately go home and look on the internet and say, "Oh my God, what kind of disease is it? It cripples people, burns and destroys joints." At that moment, our patient began a complete collapse. The subject-neighbor and spouse-friend seems to say all the sentences that will increase this grief....
Yes, this story often begins like this, and unfortunately, this is a very bad beginning. Evil is more about the morale of a person who is about to start a long struggle than the disease itself. You are entering a war that will last for years, and as you enter, you are conditioned to think that you will definitely lose this war. As soon as this thought is ingrained in us, it becomes almost impossible to overcome this obstacle.
Many new drugs have entered our lives. On the one hand, painful joints and a low quality of life, on the other hand, our broken hope, our struggle to consult many people in confusion and our decreasing patience make our job even more difficult. Over time, it seems like the people at home start to get tired and restless, and everything comes at us. Nowadays everyone is pouring in advice about medicine, doctors and cities....
So what should we do and how should we really live? For today, we must place the following sentences in a special place in our memory:
Rheumatoid arthritis is now a treatable disease. In order for this treatment to give correct results, it must be regular and uninterrupted. Even the slightest change in treatment should not be made without the knowledge of the Rheumatologist. Since the treatment is specific to the patient, it may sometimes take several months to decide on the right medications for the individual. The most important actor in the treatment. is a patient who is strong and maintains his faith. The information that is reached unconsciously and taken without selection Bad information (internet, recommendations from friends and family) often causes harm. There is no special type of diet for this disease. However, it is important to maintain the ideal body weight. Smoking should be quit and a regular life should be planned. Even if it is newly diagnosed or an old Rheumatoid Arthritis patient, it is certain that our lives need some arrangements. No matter what it looks like from the outside, all hell is breaking loose inside a swollen and painful joint. We must understand that we cannot continue our lives by straining that joint as if nothing had happened, but on the other hand, life continues and it is important not to break away from life. At this point, let's make our recommendations according to when the disease is severe or mild.
If we are experiencing a severe disease period:
Our problematic joint should be given rest. We can achieve this by not tiring that joint. For example, if there is swelling in the knee, it is extremely wrong to force walking, climbing stairs, squatting or doing work by folding the knee. If we have swelling in our fingers, we need to try to rest our hands. The swollen joint is a hot joint for us. Therefore, we need to stay away from heat. Hot water baths and spas are harmful. On the contrary, cooling, that is, ice can be applied intermittently during the active period. Zero movement is also wrong. It is correct to try to make the joint comfortable, but even in this period, passive exercises and gentle movements should be done to maintain muscle strength, maintain joint integrity and prevent stiffness. If the disease is in a calm period:
In this period, Joints should not be strained. However, daily activity should be done more. Work that requires dealing with water should always be avoided. Washing machines and dishwashers should be indispensable aids in life. Squeezing, bending, and applying resistance to the wrists are also methods that should be avoided. Hands should not be tired with fine movements. Long-term joint fatigue should still be avoided. This period should be used to get rid of excess weight. Houses with too many steps and stairs should be replaced if possible, and elevators should be used. Field, Walking on soft soil like a vineyard or garden can strain your knee joints. It can be damaging and should be avoided. Again, there is no special diet. Current treatments are especially effective in patients who are newly diagnosed or who have been brought up to date without any disruption or damage in the last 10 years. However, these conditions of patients with disabilities should not be ignored. If there is a disability in the joints:
If there is a gap when closing the hands, they may have difficulty in performing the task of holding the hands. Thicken the objects will provide comfort. For example, a more comfortable grip can be achieved with cloth wrapped around a pen or a suitable plastic hose. Similarly, the application can also be done while eating. Today, there are specially produced auxiliary devices. Thin iron/plastics such as zippers can be attached to thick safety pins to make them easier to hold. Long-handled forks and spoons can be provided. >
Things such as thresholds, carpets, etc. that may cause tripping in walking areas should be removed. If there is a visual impairment, appropriate glasses should be taken. There should not be wet and slippery floors in the house, if there are, precautions should be taken. There should be appropriate support bars in the toilet. Conclusion As of now, life goes on and it is always a surprise who will encounter what and when. Our duty today is to accept our illness, continue our lives with hope and faith, and push the possibilities offered by modern medicine to the fullest.
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