Are Varicose Veins the Cause of Cellulite?

Cellulite is nodules formed by the change in the structure of fat tissue cells, especially in the hips and legs, and the adhesion of cells to each other. As this disease progresses, the nodules grow and stick to each other, causing an orange peel appearance on the skin.

Many theories on the formation mechanism of cellulite. has been put forward. However, the two most important theories accepted by the scientific community are;

1-Chronic Venous Insufficiency (Varicose Veins)

2-Hormonal causes.

In addition to these, Genetic structure, wrong medication use and wrong diets are also factors that facilitate the formation of cellulite.

Chronic Venous Insufficiency (varicose veins), one of the important reasons for the formation of cellulite, increases the pressure in the veins carrying dirty blood, and the serum leaking from the vein wall passes into the tissue spaces and causes edema. This causes edema. By disrupting the lymphatic drainage in the tissue space, it triggers the fat cells to swell with water and salt in the long term and to stick together, forming nodules.

The most important factors in hormonal causes are the Estrogen and Folliculin (FSH) hormones. For this reason, Cellulite is seen in 90-95% of women. It increases during adolescence, pregnancy, menstruation, menopause, and when birth control drugs are used.

Cellulite is a disorder that causes serious cosmetic concerns in women. This disorder is very prone to mental and financial abuse of people. It creates a suitable market. For this reason, cellulite is a condition that must be treated under the control of one or more specialists. Many physicians who specialize in the treatment of cellulite use methods such as mesotherapy, ultrasound, thermotherapy, direct exercise, drug use and pressotherapy for treatment purposes. However, when the formation mechanism of cellulite is examined, Sometimes, Chronic Venous Insufficiency (varicose veins) treatment is ignored and treatment is started directly. This brings very short-term temporary solutions to the problem. Therefore, if cellulite treatment is to be started, even if there are no visible varicose veins, these patients are evaluated for venous insufficiency and then diagnosed and treated directly. It is necessary to start treatment for cellulite.

Studies have observed that cellulite improves at high rates with the improvement of lymphatic drainage in patients whose Venous Insufficiency is treated correctly.Dolay Heat and cellulite and varicose veins are an inseparable duo.

Treating varicose veins, which are seen at a rate as high as 60-70% in our society, means treating cellulite at the same rate.

With other auxiliary methods, the skin can be removed more quickly. It will enable it to recover and take shape.

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