The most common stomach disorders are; reflux, gastritis and ulcer.
Risk factors in all three diseases;
Improper nutrition
Fast eating eating
Smoking, alcohol use
Nutritional treatment varies depending on the type of stomach diseases.
REFLUX: It is the protrusion of the stomach contents into the esophagus, that is, the esophagus. It is a disease characterized by burning, irritation, chest pain and difficulty swallowing.
Nutritional treatment:
Belts or corset-style clothes that squeeze the stomach area should not be used.
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Losing excess weight, if there is excess weight, reduces reflux as it reduces the fat in the stomach area and reduces the congestion of the stomach.
After a meal, wait at least 3 - 4 hours. You should not lie down, you should sit in an upright position.
The pillow height of reflux patients should be 20 - 25 cm.
Smoking negatively affects esophageal motility.
In order to prevent the pressure of the lower lid of the esophagus from decreasing, protein should be increased slightly and foods such as fat and fatty foods, dark tea, chocolate, mint and onion should be reduced.
To reduce esophageal sensitivity and prevent stimulation of stomach acid, hot spices, carbonated drinks, tomatoes, citrus fruits, coffee, alcohol, very hot and very cold foods should not be consumed.
Eating should be done at frequent intervals, the content of the meals should not be dense, and the stomach should not be overfilled.
Acidic and carbonated drinks should not be consumed.
Liquid should not be taken with meals, fluid intake should be done between meals.
GASTRITIS: is the inflammation of the stomach wall. Bloating, pressure, nausea and vomiting in the stomach are frequently observed.
Nutritional treatment:
Food should not be too hot or cold.
Foods should be eaten slowly and chewed well.
Foods that do not stimulate or irritate the stomach should be preferred. These nutrients vary from person to person It varies. For example; While some gastritis patients develop sensitivity to raw onions, others are not affected at all.
Foods with low fiber should be preferred to prevent the stomach from getting tired.
Meal. The number should be increased to prevent the stomach from filling up suddenly.
Since staying hungry will increase stomach acid, you should eat at frequent intervals and not stay hungry for a long time. Meal breaks should not be more than 2 hours.
Vitamin C has an effective role in the treatment of gastritis. Therefore, fresh vegetables and fruits containing vitamin C should be consumed at every meal or 100 – 200 mg vitamin C supplements should be taken every day.
Acidic and carbonated drinks should be avoided.
Foods that are too hot and spicy should not be consumed.
Milk has a neutralizing effect on the stomach. Stomach relief can be achieved with 1 teaspoon of milk during snacks.
Yeast pastries may increase discomfort in people with gastritis and should be avoided.
Fruits. Their shells should be peeled.
Frying and roasting methods should not be used. Boiling, low-fat baking and steaming methods should be preferred.
Tea and coffee consumption should be reduced as it increases stomach acid secretion.
Small amounts of water should be consumed at frequent intervals as it dilutes stomach acid.
ULCER: It is a chronic wound that occurs anywhere in the gastrointestinal tract.
Nutritional treatment:
Smoking and alcohol should never be used because they increase stomach acid.
The energy and nutrients of the diet should be sufficient to accelerate wound healing.
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Three low-intensity, frequently spaced main meals and snack times should be determined considering the times of the day.
The carbohydrate content of the diet should not be reduced. However, simple sugars should be avoided as they will increase irritation.
The diet should have sufficient protein to ensure tissue repair.
Dietary fat should be in normal amounts. It should be herbal, preferably herbal. Nets should be preferred.
Since ulcer drugs have a constipating effect, the diet should be sufficient in fiber. (20 – 30 g / day)
Due to the wound healing effect of zinc, the diet should contain sufficient zinc. (12 – 15 mg/day)
Since free radicals damage the cell membrane, the diet should be rich in antioxidant vitamins (A, C, E). For this reason, fresh vegetables and fruits should be consumed at every meal.
Milk consumption should be 1 - 2 glasses a day and should be given with another food.
Salt consumption should be reduced and canned, pickled, pickled foods should be avoided.
Hot spices should be avoided.
Tea – Coffee consumption should be reduced.
One should not stay hungry for a long time.
Foods and drinks should not be consumed too hot.
Ulcer patients who have undergone surgery, are bleeding, and have severe pain should be fed with pulp-free, liquid foods for a short time, and then switch to a normal ulcer diet when they can tolerate it.
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