Thyroid Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy (FNAB) is a very valuable method used first in distinguishing whether thyroid nodules that appear suspicious on ultrasonography are benign or malignant and in the selection of patients requiring surgical treatment. In the evaluation of thyroid nodules, after the widespread use of FNAB, the number of patients treated with surgery decreased by 35-75 percent. TIAAB; It is the gold standard in diagnosis, and in experienced hands, the sensitivity is 98 percent and the positive predictive value is 99 percent. TIAAB; In good hands, it is a low-risk, fast-yielding and easy-to-apply method. Performing FNAB under ultrasound guidance increases the diagnostic value. FNAB should be performed under ultrasonography, especially in nodules smaller than 1-1.5 cm. FNAB is a diagnostic method that can be applied in outpatient clinics, is simple, inexpensive, can be repeated when necessary, and has very few side effects. Biopsy should be performed by experienced physicians who have received training on this subject.
If the biopsy result is benign and the patient has no other complaints, thyroid nodules can be followed. If the biopsy result is suspicious or malignant, surgical treatment is initiated. If there is a 10 percent probability that the material taken is insufficient or suspicious, the biopsy should be repeated, and if insufficient material is found again; Considering the fact that 50 percent of these nodules are cancerous, surgical intervention should be considered.
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