It is one of the most common patient groups applying to pediatric neurology clinics. Febrile seizures are characterized by seizures occurring during febrile episodes in children aged 6 months to 6 years. These seizures can be in the form of staring eyes at a point, complete relaxation and loss of consciousness in the body, or convulsions and throws in the body. The most important risk factor in febrile seizure is usually a family history. Febrile seizures occur mostly due to viral infections in the body. It is usually seen during the first 48 hours of the disease when the fever rises rapidly. If there is a family history of febrile convulsions or epilepsy, if the first seizure was experienced under the age of 1, if it was below 38.5 degrees, if it was a boy, if he had a unilateral seizure or a seizure lasting longer than 15 minutes, if he had recurrent seizures within 24 hours, if the seizure was in the future. The probability of recurrence is high.
Families of children with febrile seizures should have a temperature rating at home, measure their temperature regularly as soon as they see signs of illness in the child, and when they notice a high fever, they should reduce their fever with antipyretics and by taking a warm shower. Behaviors such as pouring water on the face of children with seizures can cause serious harm to the child. The thing to do in a child who has a seizure is to prevent the secretions from his mouth from escaping into his lungs by turning the patient on his side, and to prevent head trauma that may occur especially during contractions and throws by protecting his head.
Simple febrile seizure that occurs in a child whose neurological development has been completely normal until that day does not affect the child's development. Generally, simple febrile convulsions have a good prognosis, but further evaluations should be made if deemed necessary by the doctor. In this whole process, what families need to do until the children turn 6 years old is to be awake during the feverish periods of the children, to keep their fever under control and to apply the recommended treatments� �r.
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