In today's life, people live a stressful life. Business life and the problems experienced in business life are a source of distress in themselves. In addition, financial difficulties become a stress factor for people. All the problems experienced are reflected in people's social lives and negatively affect their enjoyment of life. However, the problems we experience are not always at a level that can be diagnosed, and sometimes the negativities we experience can be temporary. We can decide whether these problems and general unhappiness are at a level that can be diagnosed by determining how many of the following diagnostic criteria we meet and determine the treatment method.
A-Five (or more) of the following symptoms during a two-week period, along with a change in the previous level of functioning to have been found; At least one of the symptoms must be either depressive mood or loss of interest or inability to enjoy anymore.
1- Depressed mood almost every day, lasting almost all day long,
2- Almost every day A significant decrease in interest in all (or most) activities, lasting for about a day, or not being able to enjoy them as much as before,
3- Weight gain or weight loss,
4- Almost all day, insomnia (insomnia) or hypersomnia (excessive sleep),
5- Almost every day, psychomotor agitation or retardation,
6- Almost every day, fatigue-exhaustion or Loss of energy,
7- Feelings of worthlessness, excessive or inappropriate guilt almost every day,
8- Decreased ability to think or concentrate on a specific subject almost every day. or indecision,
9- Recurrent thoughts of death, recurrent thoughts of suicide and plans to commit suicide.
B- Mixed episode should be excluded,
C- This The symptoms cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational or other important areas of functioning.
D- Effects of substance use and general medical condition must be excluded,
E- Age-related condition should be excluded.
A- In the emotional field
1- Depressive mood state
2- Inability to enjoy anything
B- In the vegetative area
3- Decrease/increase in appetite
4- Insomnia/excessive sleep
5- Psychomotor retardation/agitation
6- Fatigue-exhaustion/Loss of energy
C-In the cognitive field
7- Thoughts of guilt and worthlessness
8- Difficulty in concentration
9- Thoughts of death
If you feel like you are in a general state of depression and you say you are experiencing at least five or more of the above diagnostic criteria, you should definitely get support from a specialist and find ways to get out of this situation. you should call
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