MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS (MS) occurs with the deterioration of the nerve conduction system as a result of damage to the myalin layer, which protects the white matter of the brain and the nerves that form the spinal cord.
It is usually seen in the early stages of adulthood. MS mostly progresses with attacks and remissions
, but in some cases it shows a constantly progressive condition.
How should we eat in MS, which oils should we prefer, what should we avoid?
60 years ago, Dr. Roy Swank high grains, fruits and vegetables; discovered that a low-fat diet has an improving effect on the quality of life of MS
patients. Swank's diet provides maximum benefit when it is started in the early
period of the disease.
According to Swank's MS diet;
Sunflower oil, olive oil, sesame oil, false saffron, flaxseed, soybeans,
br /> Peanuts can often be preferred in your diet. However, care should be taken not to use these oils repeatedly, especially
olive oil should be stored in a cool and dark place, not frozen in the refrigerator, and not consumed more than the daily
recommended amount. In addition, oils used in margarine, butter, pastries
, cocoa butter, coconut oil, palm oil, and products containing hydrogenated trans fat should be avoided.

Prefer fat-free milk and dairy products. You can consume egg whites, which do not contain fat, every day and whole eggs a few days a week.

◦ Vitamin D: As a result of the research, it has been observed that there is a relationship between low vitamin D amount and MS. At the same time, Vitamin D It is known that the bone density increasing effect of D is beneficial in MS. People at risk of MS should pay attention to their Vitamin D and
calcium intake.
◦ Antioxidant vitamins: Vitamins A, E and C are antioxidant vitamins. Antioxidants
protect the body from the damage caused by free radicals. It is thought that the damage caused by free radicals may be effective in the formation of MS disease. Therefore, foods containing
antioxidant vitamins should have a wide place in the diet.

◦ Vitamin B12: Found in eggs, meat, chicken and grains, vitamin B12 plays a role in the production of red blood
cells and the regulation of the functions of the nervous system.
Don't be afraid of MS, take control with an adequate and balanced nutrition plan.
Healthy and happy days...

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