- Surgical Treatment of Dementia:
Approximately one in every seven patients with dementia has another disease that can easily be confused with Alzheimer's disease is in question. In these people, difficulty in walking along with forgetfulness, that is, slowing down of walking; A situation such as taking small steps and walking with feet dragging on the ground is also accompanied by urinary incontinence.
If the existence of this disease is confirmed by a test; Dementia can be reversed with a simple surgery in two-thirds of this patient group. The surgery performed is the removal of excess fluid produced in the brain, medically known as (cerebrospinal fluid) CSF; It consists of inserting a device, that is, a shunt, that allows the abdominal cavity to be evacuated with the help of a thin tube passing under the skin.
Of course, as always, the treatment of this disease; depends on early recognition. Therefore, if walking slows down along with forgetfulness, consult a neurosurgeon without delay.
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