Low testosterone hormones cause serious mental and physical disorders in men. I have listed 12 of them below.
Decrease in sexual desire (Libido), decrease in night erections, loss of productivity. Decrease in bone density (osteoporosis), danger of fracture in bones. Decrease in muscle mass and muscle strength, muscle aches, complaints about joints, decrease in lean muscle mass, increase in fat in the abdominal area. Sensitive, dry skin. Decrease in armpit and body hair. , decrease in beard growth. Decrease in red blood cells, anemia, fatigue. Hot flashes, tachycardia, depression, decrease in mental activities, poor concentration, sleep disorders. There is a reciprocal relationship between testosterone deficiency and abdominal excess weight: According to research, pro-inflammatory substances produced by abdominal fat cells lead to a decrease in testosterone levels. On the other hand, the decrease in testosterone causes fat formation in the abdominal area. Low testosterone levels increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases. It has been reported that there is a negative linear relationship between testosterone levels and the severity of coronary artery disease. Obesity reduces testosterone levels by decreasing sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) levels. Morbid obesity also reduces free testosterone levels. It has been shown that 20%–64% of obese men have low serum total and free testosterone levels. A negative linear relationship has been found between visceral obesity and testosterone levels, more so than other types of obesity. Insulin resistance and Type 2 diabetes have also been associated with low plasma testosterone levels and decreased insulin sensitivity after testosterone replacement. An improvement has been reported. Read: 0