With the change in eating style during Ramadan, weight complaints also increase. Weakness and subsequent inactivity due to long summer hours and hunger are the main reasons for these complaints. Wrong food/nutrition choices you make during a month of fasting can cause serious health problems even for healthy individuals. While it poses a risk for your health, it can also cause your metabolism to slow down. The main purpose of fasting is to allow our body to rest and to control ourselves and our souls. When we stay hungry for long hours and sit down to a wonderfully prepared iftar table, we often cannot even decide which option to start with. Heavy meals, iftar meals, desserts and after all these, stomach and weight gain problems are inevitable. The most basic point to have a healthy Ramadan without gaining weight is to have an adequate and balanced diet. We can break our fast with 1-2 dates and water. We can break our fast with dates. It helps balance our blood sugar after a long fast. In addition, the high potassium it contains helps the muscles rest. If we then continue with a bowl of soup without flour and cream, we will not strain our stomach. The soup we drink creates a feeling of fullness and prepares our stomach for the main meal. After the soup, wait 10-15 minutes. It would be best to wait for a while and then continue our meal.

General Information;

1- Since an adult needs to drink approximately 2-2.5 liters of water, great attention should be paid to fluid intake. p>

2- Since the body remains dehydrated for long hours, it will be useful to consume mineral water between iftar and sahur to maintain electrolyte balance.

3- You should definitely wake up for sahur, fasting before waking up for sahur will both slow down your metabolism and help you lose weight. It may cause some health problems.

4- A protein-rich breakfast style should be consumed at sahur. If the sahur meal consists of heavy and fatty meals, the rate of conversion of food into fat and the risk of weight gain increases as the metabolic rate decreases at night.

5- You should avoid eating food quickly, and bites should be swallowed slowly and by chewing thoroughly.

6- During Ramadan, the cooking methods of food are as important as what is consumed. Especially grilled, boiled, steamed and baked. Foods should be preferred, fried Fried and fried foods should be avoided.

7- If you are going to consume dessert, you should choose desserts with reduced calories. It will be healthier to consume compote, compote or milk dessert instead of fatty and sherbet desserts.

8- Since drinking tea and coffee with meals during iftar prevents the absorption of iron taken with meals, it is beneficial to drink these drinks 1-1.5 hours after the meal.

9- You should start walking at least 1-1.5 hours after iftar. Take care.

10- Digestive problems may increase with the change in nutrition style during Ramadan. To avoid constipation problems, you can choose fiber-rich fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grain products and dried fruits for snacks.< br />  



1 egg

1 slice of cheese

Tomato, cucumber, greens

2 slices of whole grain bread

1 fruit

2 whole walnuts

1-2 dates

2-3 glasses of water

1 bowl of flourless/ soup without cream

2 slices of grain bread

1 portion of meat or chicken and vegetable dish (or 1 portion of legume dish + salad) (or 1 portion of fish + salad)

Snack 1

1-2 portions of fresh fruit + 1 bowl of low-fat yoghurt or 2-3 dried fruits + 1 glass of low-fat milk or 1 portion of milk dessert (such as 1 slice of Güllaç or 1-2 scoops of ice cream)

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