Adenoid Enlargement

Adenoid enlargement is the growth of lymphoid tissue in our nasopharynx region that helps the immune system. After the age of 2, its contribution to the immune system decreases. If medically necessary, adenoids can be removed from the age of 2.

Symptoms, Findings and Diagnosis

Adenoid enlargement manifests itself in breathing through the mouth, sleeping with the mouth open, snoring, It can be manifested by shortness of breath during sleep. Restlessness in sleep, urinary incontinence at night, and insomnia during the day may cause a decline in school success. Adenoid enlargement can reduce a person's quality of life. Anomalies may develop in teeth and facial structures due to chronic nasal congestion. The appearance of frequently standing with the mouth open, elongated facial structure, and dark colors under the eyes is called "adenoid face" and is generally seen in patients with enlarged adenoids. It can cause fluid accumulation in the middle ear

and cause hearing loss. In this respect, it is important that patients with adenoid-related symptoms and findings also have ear examinations.

Adenoiditis (adenoiditis) describes the infection of the adenoid with microorganisms. Runny nose, nasal congestion, high fever, snoring, etc. It may manifest itself through symptoms. It is also possible that a patient who does not have snoring complaints during the infection-free period will regress after the infection passes.

The diagnosis of adenoids is usually made by seeing the adenoids in the nasopharynx during endoscopic examination.

  Treatment of symptomatic adenoid enlargement is performed by surgery. (adenoidectomy).

Adenoidectomy indications

    a-) Conditions that cause obstruction;

- Chronic nasal congestion or mouth breathing

- Shortness of breath during sleep

- Anomaly development in dental structure and facial structure

     b-) Undetermined cause
- Cor pulmonale (right heart failure)

- Speech disorder

- Developmental retardation

      c-) Conditions related to infection;

- Chronic or recurrent adenoiditis

- Chronic or recurrent fluid accumulation in the middle ear

- Chronic otitis media

      d-) Suspicion of malignancy

Things to consider before adenoidectomy

Adenoidectomy is not recommended for people with bleeding disorders. Since the risk of bleeding will decrease 1 week after the use of aspirin and oral blood thinners (anticoagulant) drugs, surgery can be performed during this period. The patient suffering from acute adenoiditis needs to have surgery after the infection has passed because the risk of bleeding will be less.

What is done in adenoidectomy?

Adenoid tissue is removed by scraping it from the back wall of the nasopharynx with the help of a curette. Bleeding control is provided during the operation.

Post-adenoidectomy diet

  Solid, hard, hot and acidic foods should be avoided for at least two weeks after the surgery.

  For the first 2 days, consume warm and cooled liquid foods ( water, milk, buttermilk, fruit juice) nutrition is recommended. Plain ice cream can be started on the 2nd day.

On the 3rd and 4th days, foods such as fruit puree, yoghurt, potato puree, pudding, pudding are recommended.

After the 5th day, semi-solid foods ( bread crumbs, pasta, soaked biscuits etc.


Ear Tube Application

    The middle ear cavity is normally ventilated through the eustachian tube opening to the nasal area. In pathologies that impair middle ear ventilation, fluid accumulation in the middle ear (serous otitis media) may develop. This may cause hearing loss in the patient. If medical treatment does not cause a decrease in middle ear fluid, it may be necessary to apply a tube to the eardrum to restore middle ear ventilation.

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