After the parents, the school is one of the institutions that contribute to the growth and development of the child in the broadest sense and provide guidance. A new social environment for the child, the rules to be followed and the responsibilities that must be fulfilled in order to achieve success. School, which is the first socialization area of the child after the family, is of great importance for the child. There are two basic functions for children in the education and training process. While one of them is compliance, the other is information. The child's participation in school progresses in parallel with being successful and happy. Through education, the child tries to make himself useful and competent. In a way, school is the place where the education gained at home is tested for the child. Communication within the family plays a huge role in personality development. The fact that the family has information about the developmental periods while the child is growing up provides great importance in their attitudes towards the child. At this point, it instills confidence in order to be a balanced individual in the society, enables the child to discover his/her abilities in order to be successful in the social environment, helps the child with the problems he/she experiences in the living environment, helps his/her verbal and social habits, and provides the necessary environment for social acceptance.
< br /> Parent's Attitudes
Family's attitudes and values are also significantly effective in determining the child's attitude towards learning. One or both of the parents' negative attitudes towards learning and school cause the child to have negative feelings towards school. Parents whose children are successful direct their children to have a special personality, make their own decisions, and act like adults. Parents whose children are unsuccessful are guiding their children to protect their personal rights and develop their abilities. Successful mothers were found to be more controlling their children than unsuccessful mothers. These mothers are more social, without boundaries, reasoning, controlling and rewarding according to their place. For families with high socio-economic status, the school is professional. They also see it as a way of psychologically and socially preparing for life. They take a close interest in their children's school activities and activities, discuss the importance of education with them, and reward their children for their school achievements. Families with low socio-economic status enroll their children in school both due to legal obligations and to have a profession that pays well. They do not argue about school failures and problems and cannot help them become more successful. At the same time, depriving the child of the attention and love that he/she needs may also reduce the child's interest in school by showing excessive interest and affection. Children in families whose parents are divorced or in an unhappy marriage are less successful than those in families with a happy marriage. Students who are supported, accepted and appreciated by their families are more successful than students who are not supported, accepted and appreciated by their families.
Sister Attitudes
When the child is unsuccessful, his siblings take the side of the parents and adopt their attitude, but the unsuccessful child does not accept the attitude of his siblings towards him. He may act aggressively towards his siblings and think that with the success of his siblings, he will love his parents more than his siblings. Such negative feelings are exacerbated by failure. If the level of success is different between siblings, these and similar feelings are more common. The family environment causes the increase and decrease of such feelings. The most important attitude to reduce negative emotions is to avoid comparing siblings. takes. The teacher is the most important and most critical of these variables. Because the teacher is the person responsible for the organization and execution of the educational processes necessary for effective classroom management. For this reason, the leadership role of the teacher comes to the fore and it becomes important to have knowledge about the group dynamism in the classroom. Behaviors in the classroom that trigger success in the learning and teaching environment and effective management of the classroom. The teacher's lack of knowledge about the lesson, his negative behaviors and indifference to his profession are the factors that push students to fail and to leave the school. Taking care of students according to their success, making distinctions, not being able to determine the level of the class, teaching without knowing their students, teaching without a planned and programmed study affect students' success to a great extent. The main function of the teaching profession is to activate the student's participation in the lesson, to make the lesson attractive for the child in small classes, and to reward active and successful students. Incorporating more learning through comprehension rather than rote learning in the curriculum, avoiding overloading students are important principles for a teacher's success. By carefully observing the child's behavior in the classroom, he or she can decide which education would be more appropriate for him. Keeping and updating the file information of the student regularly has an effect on the success of the student. The student is successful to the extent that he is happy and safe in the classroom, at school and in the presence of the teacher. Acceptance is a great need. Depending on the group of friends of the child, the desire for education increases or decreases. The educational wishes of the child are in harmony with his friends, and as friendships progress, the influence of ideas increases. Studies show that unsuccessful students develop negative attitudes towards studying under the influence of the group, and successful students choose their friends from successful students, and unsuccessful students choose unsuccessful students from the group regardless of gender. The child's grade level being above or below the development level, the child's lack of friendships and harmony in the classroom are the reasons for failure for the child.
Personal Characteristics Self Perception
< br /> When the child is born, there is no active self-concept. The "self" starts with learning the right and wrong in the first years of childhood and the self development progresses or develops in the child. differs in. Children between the ages of 7 and 12, who live calmly, are in search of self with the adolescence period and their interests increase. The child, who has the opportunity to get to know himself correctly, can develop a healthy self-concept and can easily overcome conflicts to this extent. According to the researches, it has been determined that successful students have good relations, a positive attitude and a good image towards their teachers, their self-confidence and responsibility feelings are more developed, they approach their emotions in a more controlled way and they have a high self-confidence compared to unsuccessful students. Successful students are often aware of their talents and interests. Unsuccessful students, on the other hand, cannot realize their capacities because they cannot fully evaluate themselves, and therefore they have problems in determining their goals and fulfilling their goals.
Intelligence Level
There is no effective difference between the intelligence levels of successful students and unsuccessful students. Intelligence level is a weak predictor for measuring student achievement. According to studies, students with low mental ability level are successful in an environment with high control, while students with high levels of mental ability are successful in a more free and less controlled environment. In a study conducted with gifted children, it was observed that children were unsuccessful due to emotional reasons, the effect of peer group, lack of appropriate education programs, learning difficulties and not being able to create a program of their own. Some of the children who fail may be those with physical disabilities or special educational needs and intellectual learning disabilities. However, children whose mental and physical characteristics are below average are not included in the failure. The problem of failure is handled in this context as a developmental deficiency or in the absence of retardation. Unsuccessful students were found to have a lower level of reasoning such as induction and deduction than successful students.
Health conditions and Nutrition
The child has a healthy structure. to have has a positive effect on learning. It has a great effect on learning the senses such as sight and hearing, especially for the child. The fact that these sense organs are also impaired affects learning negatively. Since the development of the child is a whole, such disorders affect learning negatively and also cause the emergence of some personality problems. Not all sense organs have the same effect on learning. The "eye" is the one with the biggest impact. Because visual stimuli are easier to store and remember in the mind. Next comes the "ear". These two organs yield a large proportion of the concepts formed in the mind. Unless the child is physiologically ready, it cannot be expected to be ready for learning. Such needs must be met in order for children to be ready to learn. These needs are; nutrition, sleep, health check, confidence, curiosity, play and time to be alone with himself. When the person feels remarkable; It also meets important needs such as nutrition, doing sports, brushing teeth and regular health checkups.
Interest and Talent
It is also about the appropriate environment and conditions in which their talents will develop. Parents who inform the child, discuss with him, make him think, and answer his questions, enable their children to reach higher levels linguistically and mentally. In this direction, the teacher should help the child's individual development by determining the child's interests and abilities and preparing an education program suitable for his intelligence and abilities. The child has a talent that can be developed, which is behind his attention. In order to develop and gain these skills, the guidance provided by the teacher in showing the student solutions is important, but it produces more productive results than the teacher presenting all the subjects to the class one by one. When teachers believe that students have talent and interest, regardless of their ability level, teachers ensure that students achieve success by trying all ways to succeed and by directing all their attention to their success.
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