Family Attitudes towards Learning Disabilities

For individuals, learning does not only include the skills acquired in a particular field or the academic knowledge acquired, it refers to a lifelong process.

Children automatically initiate their learning processes through the stimuli around them from the moment they are born. Some children may have difficulties with reading, writing or other learning-related skills, which may be a sign of a learning disability. Learning disability can be defined as a child's difficulty in one or more areas related to learning. It is not a symptom of mental retardation, laziness or low motivation.

Some symptoms of learning disabilities are as follows:

Dyslexia (dyslexia) Reading difficulty), dyscalculia (mathematics learning difficulty), dysgraphia (writing difficulty) and dyspraxia (motor coordination disorder) can be given as examples.

Not all of the above symptoms need to be seen to be diagnosed with a learning disorder, it is important to make an early diagnosis. During the diagnosis phase, academic performance is evaluated, intelligence tests and other developed tests are applied.

Learning difficulties are often accompanied by attention deficit and hyperactivity, but depression and anxiety disorders may also occur. For its treatment, training prepared by experts should be applied, and if there are accompanying problems, a doctor or therapist should be consulted.

Family attitudes play an important role in the treatment process of learning disorders. The child is in school, rehabilitation center or private care The education he receives in the first educational institution must be continued in parallel in the family. There should be consistency and cooperation between the child's family, teacher and psychologist.

Families of children with learning disabilities should exhibit the following attitudes:

Children with special needs often also have special skills – such as perseverance, sensitivity, resilience, patience. These skills are much more important than memorizing the alphabet perfectly or copying letters. All children make progress, but this progress Its frequency and magnitude vary from person to person. In order to build the child's sense of self-confidence, his strengths should be supported.

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