Summer is almost here, the sun is starting to increase its effect. Then it wouldn't be possible without mentioning vitamin D, which is known as the sun vitamin, right? Although it is called a vitamin, vitamin D is a hormone because it can be synthesized in the body. Of course, the important thing is not how it is named, but its importance in our body, so let's get back to our topic.
What are its Functions in the Body?
Vitamin D increases the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in our body. It is effective in bone formation and protection of bone health. It reduces the risk of osteoporosis (bone loss). Vitamin D, which is absorbed by fatty acids and transferred to the lymph system after being absorbed, is also involved in the immune system.
What are its Sources?
Oily fish such as sardines, salmon, egg yolk Although foods such as liver and liver contain vitamin D, the main source is the sun. The majority of vitamin D is synthesized in the skin under the influence of sunlight. The amount of synthesis varies depending on the intensity of sunlight and the amount of melanin in the skin. Since brunettes have more melanin pigment, vitamin D production is less.
How Much Should Vitamin D Levels Be?
To determine the vitamin D level, 25(OH) vitamin D level in the blood is checked. Accordingly:
>Sufficient if 30ng/ml
Deficient if 20-30ng/ml
<10 ng/ml is defined as severe deficiency. What Happens in Deficiency? Vitamin D deficiency is defined as osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, rickets, type 1 It is associated with many diseases such as diabetes and colon, breast and skin cancer. Those who cannot benefit from sunlight sufficiently, kidney patients, dark-skinned people, skin patients, 7 pregnant women, the elderly, infants and children are the groups in which vitamin D deficiency is most common. Also, studies have shown that obesity may increase the risk of vitamin D deficiency and vitamin D deficiency may cause obesity. Is Supplementation Necessary? To prevent deficiency, 1200IU vitamin D supplement should be given to mothers during pregnancy and lactation period, and 400IU vitamin D supplement should be given to infants until the end of 1 year. deficiency in adults Supplementation may be required depending on the blood levels of this vitamin, which is frequently seen. Do not forget to have your vitamin D level measured, especially if you have problems such as bone-muscle pain, mobility weakness or if you are in the risk group.
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