Today, the increase in interest in adult orthodontics has brought with it an increase in the demand for alternative aesthetic applications to conventional fixed stainless steel devices.
The idea of tooth movement without the use of bands, brackets or wires is not a new idea. A study reporting the use of flexible tooth positioning appliances was first published in 1945 by Dr. H.D. Kesling. Before bonded applications took place in general orthodontic practice, Kessling introduced the method of closing the gaps remaining after the removal of the bands with tooth positioning devices. These positioners were made of vulcanized rubber for patients whose fixed treatment was completed. Although all tooth movements were tried to be made with a single appliance in these positioners, Kessling stated that larger tooth movements could be possible with gradually smaller movements and the use of more appliances. Later, Ponitz introduced transparent retainers. The master stated that before making the appliance on the model, the teeth should be repositioned using wax and then the appliance should be made in this state. Apart from this, many authors have research around similar basic ideas. However, the biggest limiting factor of the methods in these studies is the difficulty in standardization and manual laboratory operations such as cutting, separating, reassembling and then re-fixing for all these small precise movements. For this reason, only a small and at most a few-stage movement could be made.
As we approach today, small tooth movements are also possible with a technique developed by RAINTREE ESSIX company. In this technique, 'aligners' shaped on plastic models of the teeth are used. These aligners are then modified with 'divots', which create a force to push individual teeth, and 'windows', which create spaces through which the tooth can move. This type of application can be effective in correcting average distortions. However, movements are limited to only 2-3 mm. Beyond this, a new measure and new devices will be needed for movements. In this context, a single death With this and a long-term prediction, much more complex and larger tooth movements do not seem possible.
However, contemporary orthodontics is witnessing the implementation of a new system that can be used as an alternative to traditional brackets and arch wires and will eliminate all these above-mentioned limitations. . This system is the 'INVISALIGN' system produced by Align Technology. Align Technology developed this system in the United States in 1997. Invisalign; It is a system inspired by the ideas of those working on this subject and the principles of the Raintree Essix application, combining CAD-CAM technology with laboratory techniques to produce a series of appliances that are aesthetic, transparent, removable and capable of providing the desired tooth movements from start to finish. This application is the first orthodontic treatment technique using three-dimensional digital technology. It is based on the principle of making manipulations on the three-dimensional problem image obtained specifically for each patient by using various computer programs. Thus, the teeth can be moved in the desired directions with small precise movements (0.15-0.25 mm) and a preliminary image of the final situation can be obtained by digitally positioning them where they should be. Then, this image in the computer environment is turned into physical models and aligners are shaped on the models.
In summary; The use of aesthetic, transparent, hygienic and removable appliances that do not negatively affect the individual's professional and social life is becoming increasingly popular, although it has some limitations, and the Invisalign system has taken its place to a large extent in this popularity. Because, unlike alternative applications, the Invisalign system enables a long-term treatment with a very high percentage of success, gradually, with a single measure, long-term prediction, small but precise movements.
All these construction stages are a miracle of modern technology. Without computerized infrastructure support and the use of high-tech devices, it would be impossible to produce a large number of aligners with such a success rate. The Invisalign system offers patients an aesthetic choice for their orthodontic treatment, and this application can be easily applied by any experienced orthodontist.
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