What is Geriatrics?

Geriatrics; Aiming for people aged 65 and over to age healthily with preventive medicine practices; also diagnoses, treats and monitors the health problems, acute and chronic diseases of this age group; It is a branch of science that deals with social and functional lives and quality of life. Its purpose is to improve health conditions by preventing and treating diseases or disabilities.

What is the Difference of Geriatric Evaluation from Standard Adult Evaluation?

In geriatrics, the elderly individual is a is evaluated as a whole. The body structure of the aging individual shows physiological changes compared to young adults. Functional declines occur in many systems in our body, including different organs. Even a simple attack of diarrhea can cause serious kidney damage. In addition, symptoms of diseases may not be evident in elderly individuals. In case of an infection involving the respiratory tract, young adults may experience fever, cough, and an increase in the parameters of infection in the blood, while older individuals may hide themselves for a long time with a vague clinic that does not contain any of these findings.

In such a situation, the consequences of diseases and normal aging. should be carefully separated from each other. The main purpose of the geriatrician (elderly physician) is to contribute to the healthy aging of individuals.


What is Multifaceted Geriatric Evaluation (MYGD)?


In this way, the elderly patient is evaluated in terms of functional, physical, social, environmental and psychological aspects. CYGD can provide preventive medicine practices and early diagnosis of some asymptomatic diseases. In addition to chronic diseases that are common in the elderly such as hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, coronary artery disease, forgetfulness (dementia), depression, delirium, falls, urinary incontinence, pressure sores, immobility, osteoporosis, Diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of geriatric syndromes that we frequently see in the elderly, such as multiple-incorrect drug use, malnutrition, sarcopenia (muscle loss) and frailty, are also carried out. With this comprehensive geriatric evaluation, which takes approximately 45 minutes for each patient, many slowly progressing diseases that may be overlooked can be detected and treated. Such an evaluation also serves as a check-up for individuals in this age group.


Geriatric Problems


Dementia (Forgetfulness)




Balance Disorders

Dizziness (Vertigo)

Nutrition Deficiency (Malnutrition)

Sarcopenia ( Muscle Loss)

Polyphamasia (Multiple and inappropriate drug use)

Urinary Incontinence

Defecation Incontinence

Bone resorption (Osteoporosis)

Sleep Disorders

Pressure Sore (Decubitus Ulcer)

Sexual Dysfunctions

Prostate Problems

Palliative Care





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